Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What is that stuff??

The sky is overcast - that's nice - it's not as hot :) But why is my car wet? Why are the back steps wet? What is dripping off the trees? Why is the laundry that I forgot to get in last night (yeah, I was tired - didn't even notice Daniel going outside to turn the water for the garden off, and I was sitting right there on the couch with him) wetter than when I hung it out?

Wait! I've heard of this stuff called RAIN. Maybe that's what it is. I bet so! Hmm... I think I remember it raining a LONG time ago... like back in MAY?? Maybe a few showers since then, but that's the last time we've had "real" rain. And today's "rain" isn't too real... more like an occasional mist from above. I will take whatever we get, even if it means we'll have to mow our yard for the 3rd time this year.


Angie said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, Miriam. We had so much rain a while back I was screaming for a short drought! lol

We had an overcast today too. It was gloomy the whole time the kids were at school and as soon as we got home the sun popped out! lol
