Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Works for Me Wednesday

So I was digging in my cupboard trying to find out if I had Taco Seasoning or not, so I'd know if I needed to make some, buy some, or what. I keep all my seasoning envelopes in one place, but some had fallen over... and you know how it goes. I thought to myself that I needed to find something that I could put them in.

Then I emptied a pasta box, started to crumple it up to throw it away, and **bling**, the light-bulb came on!! It fits in my cupboard very nicely, and now I can just pull out ONE container instead of fishing around (since that shelf is above my eye-level) trying to locate the right packet out of several.


Angie said... [Reply to comment]

That was a good idea! I use to have a drawer that I put mine in then we had a mouse in our house that got into my drawer so I don't do that anymore!!

Have a good day.

Elizabeth said... [Reply to comment]

Ooooh great idea!!

I don't really like freezing veggies unless I come across a huge sale and we can't eat all I buy! The carrots today were chopped baby carrots I bought last Saturday that I just chopped and stored for later use. The broth in the bags REALLY helps out!!

$5 Dinner Mom said... [Reply to comment]

Great idea! I think I'll start doing this in my cupboard! I have the same "fumble around" for certain things!

Sally said... [Reply to comment]

Smart move! I use boxes like that for a lot of things, but I hadn't thought of it for my seasoning packets. I may need to see if I can rearrange and have space for a box in my spice cupboard.