For Today, Monday, January 31, 2011
The sky is mostly cloudy with patches of blue.
It is 35° at 9:30am with just a tiny bit of a breeze.
I am thinking... About spring! I am enjoying this winter and wouldn't mind if we got some more snow, but I am also eager to get my garden started :) It will also mean warmer weather, so I will be able to take Susannah outside with me and we can play and she can play while I work in the garden or hang laundry, etc.
I am thankful for... Our warm house! It has not been as cold this past week, but still plenty cold enough to make me appreciate having a house to live in. I am also very thankful for like-minded friends :)
From my kitchen... comes the wonderful smell of a fresh batch of granola that I made this morning (and am now enjoying a bowl of!).
I'm reading... Nothing in particular right now. I'm working my way through Nourishing Traditions little by little, browsing pictures in home remodeling/home decorating magazines to help me figure out the little detailed stuff for the addition, and of course still doing blog reading as my time allows (which seems less and less these days!).
I'm hoping... to finish getting all the bookwork up-to-date this week. I spent a huge chunk of time on it last week and made great headway.
I am hearing... Susannah babble and spit while she walks around the house playing in her walker.
Around the house... is lots of evidence that we live here :)
A few plans for the week... Learn more about chickens - for eggs AND meat; work on a seed order to start my own plants for the garden this year.
A picture... Last Tuesday Susannah and I went to visit my [89 year old] Grandma at the Home. We got there in time for lunch and then after lunch we visited with Grandma in her room for a bit. Grandma wanted to hold Susannah (she hasn't wanted to the past couple times) and seemed to really enjoy their time together. Susannah, of course, was all about Great-Grandma's shiny necklace, zipper-pull (on her sweater) and glasses, but Grandma didn't mind a bit!
I am thankful for... Our warm house! It has not been as cold this past week, but still plenty cold enough to make me appreciate having a house to live in. I am also very thankful for like-minded friends :)
From my kitchen... comes the wonderful smell of a fresh batch of granola that I made this morning (and am now enjoying a bowl of!).
I'm reading... Nothing in particular right now. I'm working my way through Nourishing Traditions little by little, browsing pictures in home remodeling/home decorating magazines to help me figure out the little detailed stuff for the addition, and of course still doing blog reading as my time allows (which seems less and less these days!).
I'm hoping... to finish getting all the bookwork up-to-date this week. I spent a huge chunk of time on it last week and made great headway.
I am hearing... Susannah babble and spit while she walks around the house playing in her walker.
Around the house... is lots of evidence that we live here :)
A few plans for the week... Learn more about chickens - for eggs AND meat; work on a seed order to start my own plants for the garden this year.
A picture... Last Tuesday Susannah and I went to visit my [89 year old] Grandma at the Home. We got there in time for lunch and then after lunch we visited with Grandma in her room for a bit. Grandma wanted to hold Susannah (she hasn't wanted to the past couple times) and seemed to really enjoy their time together. Susannah, of course, was all about Great-Grandma's shiny necklace, zipper-pull (on her sweater) and glasses, but Grandma didn't mind a bit!
That's a nice picture. I'm glad you got to visit her. It also looks like you're starting out good for the week. We are starting out about good to normal. I still need to get a handle on mornings around here. Sigh. (I need more hours in my day, a maid, or SOMEthing.)
We talked about getting chickens, but my husband said the feed alone would put us in the poor house. If you decide to do it, I hope you'll blog about it. I'd like to change his mind! :) Sweet pic of your baby and your Grandma. Cherish those!
I've read some blogs where people don't buy all of their feed, they also grow a lot of it and let the chickens "mow" the patches of their garden after they've harvested the crop. It also provides fertilizer for your garden.
I don't have the exact page, but http://www.sustainableeats.com has some great info on it if you use the search bar.
Good luck! Keep us posted!
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