Orange Juice
Canola Oil
Chips - Daniel's been eying "my" bag...
Cottage Cheese
Organic Yogurt
Organic All Purpose Flour
All Natural White Whole Wheat Flour
Wheat Gluten
Brown Sugar
4 Kiwi
2 doz. Brown Eggs
2 Mangoes
(10) "1/3 Less Fat" Cream Cheese
Total: $60.56
A few notes about what I bought today:
I need to do some digging to see if there's a better option for when recipes call for oil. I did purposely stay away from "Vegetable Oil" as it is just soybean oil (very bad for you). In the meantime, I'm about out of oil and decided to get some more for now.
The Cream Cheese was part of a Mega Sale and while I'd love to make my own one day, I was out and this was a good time to stock up a little. The Cream Cheese added $10 to my bill, so I'm happy :)
I am curious, though... if you have a whole/real foods-type diet, what does a grocery shopping trip bring home and for how much?
I've used apple sauce instead of oil for several baked good with success! Have you been able to make couponing work for a whole-foods diet, a well?
We spend about $85 per week, which includes food for the three of us (2 adults, 1 toddler), pet food (1 dog, 2 cats) and all toiletries. What comes home depends on the week, but there are always lots of fresh fruits and veggies for meals/snacks, a couple gallons of milk, baking supplies, and depending on the week, things like tea, condiments, cheese, etc.
I just watched the Dr. Oz online video last night about the benefits of Coconut Oil. It's supposed to be good for you, but I only know what I heard him say.
@Maria D. @ DownrightDomesticity I can see how applesauce might work ok in things like cakes, sweet breads/muffins, pancakes, waffles, etc, but I'm more wondering for yeast bread.
@Cate Thanks for chiming in and sharing! $85/week for all of that is good!
@Candi Coconut Oil IS very good for you! It works great for frying/sauteeing, but I haven't had good results with using it in cookies in place of shortening, and it doesn't work well for greasing baking pans.
I was just re-reading through the section on oils in Nourishing Traditions because I'm about out of oil too, but I'm still not quite sure what kind of oil to use for baking. You'll have to let us know what works for you :)
Sometimes this journey towards nourishing foods is overwhelming, I feel like everything I have been taught about food and cooking is bad for you (and I didn't grow up eating lots of junk food, my mom cooked mostly from scratch). Oh well, luckily their are a lot of blogs to help me out but it's still a challenge sometimes :)
@Katie Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one!! I've talked to a friend of mine at church who is also a NT fan and she said she uses all butter in cookies, but I haven't asked her about in yeast bread. You could probably use melted butter? I need to re-read the oils section the next time I want to read something.
@AnonymousJulia, I'll have to check into Grapesee Oil. I saw it at Kroger yesterday but couldn't remember if it was a good or bad oil.
Hi Miriam .. I have been a vegetarian mostly raw foodist for some time. I do cook meat and other things for my family because they like them. Having to buy for two different diets can be pricey, but I also live in South Florida and find the prices of things ridiculously high anyway. I spend a lot of money on food ... at one point it was up to $800 a month. Just for organic fruits and vegetables was probably about $150 a month give or take. I do buy only organic milk and dairy and more of the "natural" meats. Let's face it .. it is pricey to eat well and I think that is unfair that to be healthy, we need to spend more money. As for oils, I use coconut and grapeseed. I have used grapeseed oil for about 12 years now and really like it. Good luck on your journey!!
I know that the bread machine recipes call for butter and no oil, and my bread machine doughs turn out really good. I expect you could use soft or melted butter in bread just fine.
I will be the first to attest to the fact that shopping with a goal other than the bottom line (the bill) is very expensive. I know that from diabetic diets. I'm sorry, but it's probably just going to be expensive.
P.S. We could save grapeseeds for you (from the juice off Mom's canned grapejuice that we drink) if you can figure out a way to make your own grapeseed oil.
Although I am not an expert on eating whole foods, it is expensive. It can be discouraging that things like leaner meats, and organic dairy and produce can be much more expensive. I generally buy organic milk but I haven't started buying organic cheese on a regular basis because it is soooo much more expensive. Costco actually has a decent selection of organics. I have seen organic chicken broth, that is where I generally buy my organic milk, they have some organic produce I even saw blue agave there recently. You should look into HCW's sister site. You can probably find a way to save and buy healthier foods. Just out of curiosity is there a reason why you aren't buying Eggland's Best cage free brown organic eggs? I know they have coupons.
@Ann I've thought of Egglands Best! I've actually stopped getting the newspaper for numerous reasons so I'm not getting coupons. I should check into getting some from a clipping service and trying them. So far I just get whichever Cage Free eggs are on sale/the cheapest. My favorite so far was the Naturally Preferred brand (Kroger's Organic section) when they were on sale $2.50/doz - they had REALLY nice yolks! But not on sale they are VERY expensive! I hope to one day have my own chickens - for eggs and maybe even meat.
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