And I wouldn't have it any other way!! I would most definitely do it all over again, every single part of it.
Now I am Mama to a one year old. Wow. It's a whole different ball game than being Mama to a one month old :) But I still love it!!
This morning Susannah woke up happy, and had a happy day. That was very welcome after a couple days of her being out of sorts.
Late this afternoon I mixed up some cupcakes for her birthday, and she got to lick her first beater when she woke up from her nap. She wasn't too sure about the beater at first, but I licked one so she could watch, then gave her a taste of hers and she went right at it! She didn't want to give it back, either :)
For a little specialness, I found some balloons and hung them from the kitchen ceiling fan, low enough that she could bat at them.
We had a fun little party with just the three of us. It was fun to watch her looking at her cake and candle, and then eating her cake :)
She didn't make too much of a mess, either!
Gifts will happen next week when we have a couple friends over and celebrate with more formality, but we wanted to make this day special, too.
Just for fun, tonight I measured her and with all her squirming, wiggling and wanting to grab the measuring tape, she measured 30" tall. I might try and get a weight tomorrow. She just barely has 8 teeth! Her 8th tooth cut through between yesterday and today.
She is well aware of what "no" means, and is usually quite happy to not obey :P Her favorite things to do that she's not supposed to is play in the cat's water and food, dig in the kitchen trash, and open the cupboards underneath the sink. We have plenty of teachable moments every day! She is so cute, though, when she will look at us while she's contemplating the crime, and then shake her head "no".
She has finally figured out how to "walk" if we are holding her hands, similar to how she walks in her walker. But she won't hold her arms up and hold our hands, she holds her arms by her sides and bent at the elbow. Awkward for us, but cute :) That is not her normal mode of getting around, but we do it sometimes for fun.
She is our Ladybug and Sunshine, so very special to us. It is an honor to be her Mama, and I pray that we'll teach and raise her to be a wonderful, lovely, Godly, young lady.
Hooray! Happy birthday, Susannah! It has been wonderful seeing that cute little smile for an entire year!
How has it already been a year since you've had her!! Wow, times flies. She's so beautiful... You're a blessed mama!
Happy Birthday Susannah! Look at how much she has changed in a year!
Your little girl is so sweet! I am your newest follower! Love your blog! :) Erin
@Mommyto3andahusky Erin, welcome and thank you for stopping by and deciding to follow my blog :) It's always fun to meet fellow mommy-bloggers! I have to say that blogging has not been at the top of my "list" lately so I'm not posting as much as I would like.
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