Thursday, July 15, 2010

Blog Award :)

I had a sweet surprise waiting for me last week when Angel gave me the "Sweet Blog" blog award!! Thank you, Angel!

I am supposed to pass the award on to 10 blogs, but I can't think of 10 right off the bat, so I'm going to give this award to my top favs (in no specific order, ladies!) :

Phoebe at Cents to Get Debt Free
~Phoebe and I met IRL (In Real Life) pretty much 1 year ago exactly. She's awesome and I wish we lived closer together! She also had a super cute baby boy a couple weeks ago!!!

Davene at Life On Sylvan Drive
~I wanna be like her when I grow up!! Wow, she inspires me with her graceful and gentle spirit as a Mom.

Courtney at Living Peacefully Less Stressed
~Wow again. Courtney's blog has probably changed my life. Too bad she lives a couple states away :)

Elizabeth at Home Is Where The Coffee Is
~Elizabeth is HIGH on my "I wanna meet her" list!! She's one of my best blogging buds :)

These ladies have all impacted my life in one way or the other. Thanks, gals! ((hugs))


Davene said... [Reply to comment]

Oh thank you, Miriam! This is so kind of you! I'm really honored!

I'm so glad that we've been able to reconnect through the avenue of blogging. :)

Courtney said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks Miriam! Your being there is so encouraging to me :) and I am so excited to try out this other blogs!

Elizabeth said... [Reply to comment]

Yay, thank you!! You're high on my "want to meet" list too!

Phoebe @ GettingFreedom said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you, Miriam! I'm so glad we got to meet--too bad you're so far away. I think next time it's our turn to come your way. ;)

Can't wait to check out Davene, and Courtney's blogs. I seen Courtney's on FB but haven't had a chance to read her yet.

Oh, and Elizabeth is high on my "Wanna Meet Her" list!