Friday, March 8, 2013

12 Things

1. Susannah and Sylvia are starting to play together. Sometimes. Occasionally. For this picture they were playing nicely so I went to grab the camera. When I got back Susannah was fussing at Sylvia. I asked her to please stop fussing and play so I could take the picture.

2. I was in Target last week - VERY random because I almost never go there - and saw these miniature ice cream cones on markdown.  If they are a regularly sold item, I think we might be enjoying them this summer!  They are the perfect size for a little bit of "special" dessert, but don't take a long time to enjoy.  (This picture was after Sylvia enjoyed her small piece of chocolate birthday cake.)

3: I actually sold something on Craigslist. For real. No axe-murderers came to scam us (a few may have emailed...). Listed and sold in -24 hours. Since then I have listed another item and am thinking of more things I can list.

4: We have company coming the end of this month to visit for a week.  I'm excited. And nervous.

5: A family of 4 coming to visit for a week is great motivation to finish re-arranging the house.

6: Daniel got the waste plumbing finished on Wednesday, now just the supply plumbing before we can put in the sinks and toilets! Another working bathroom will make a week of 8 people in the house a little easier, I'm thinking.

7: It snowed on Wednesday. Daniel got the day off (a rare thing!) and he took Susannah outside to play and build a snowman.  He learned the hard way to not throw snowballs at Sylvia looking out the window. She cried and cried.

8: The snow is almost all gone. Highs are supposed to be 60's this weekend. I think this may have been winter's last fling.

9: I detest carpet. Cleaning out our old master bedroom confirmed that for the umpteenth time. I will never move into a house while there is carpet in it again.

10: I detest drawers for clothes storage. It is so unhandy and inefficient.

11: I really did not want to wake up at 6:30 this morning unable to go back to sleep.  I think I was afraid we would over-sleep the Craigslist people coming at 8.

12: I started sewing a pair of bloomers for Susannah (for her birthday that is Monday). One word: CON.FUS.ING. Me and my ripper had LOTS of bonding time. Now I just have one leg to hem and want to add some trim. If I can decide on which scrap of fabric to use, I would like to get a 2nd pair made.