Oh me, blogging quickly falls to the wayside so much these days. This month (September) is the month of half-birthdays for 4/5ths of our family so some updates would be fitting. I'm starting off with Sylvia since her half-birthday comes first in the month (on the 5th... 11 days late isn't too bad, right? :) ).
Sylvia is a bundle of shy joy. Over the summer she has turned very bashful when it comes to a few certain things.
The first time she got to help me make chocolate chip cookies for Daddy. Just the two of us. It was so fun and so special. (This was also the day she nosedived into the back of their doll carrier and nearly split her head open.)
Mud and dirt. Those two words alone sum up Sylvia very well. She is happy to play outside in our dirt pile and a bonus is that I let her come inside and get water from the fridge to take back out and create mud. Most days she doesn't look like this, though!! This was after she had spent some time playing in a mud puddle. :)
Contentedness. She is a quiet, content girl much of the time. Content while playing in the dirt. Content while sitting and coloring (and she can color very well!). Content to just sit and snuggle on your "soulder" as she calls it. :)
I want to say a word about the this picture. Not only is it a beautiful picture of her, but this dress was a hand-me-down earlier this year and it is my very favorite dress to see her in. And her braids. Oh my, she is as cute as a button in 2 braids!!
A blurry picture of a cute moment. :)
This summer the girls attended Vacation Bible School for the first time. They loved it and this is Sylvia with her "Certificate" from VBS. It had been used for cutting practice before I got around to taking a picture. :)
Habits. Sylvia went through a phase of picking her nails. It felt like a never ending phase and her poor nails would be red and nearly bleeding most days. I didn't know what to do, friends didn't know what to do, and for a while putting bandage tape on her nails worked. Then she started picking the tape off. We gently and firmly reminded her all day, every day to not pick her nails (it was an unconscious thing she was doing) and we praised and cheered when she would have nails that hadn't been picked lately. Without any big hullabaloo she just eventually stopped picking her nails.
Putting things in her mouth is/was another habit that she seems to have. It isn't nearly as bad now, but for a while she put just about anything in her mouth. This picture is after she had put a black, dry-erase crayon in her mouth. It made quite the goatee! :)
She loves playing in water, but she's not a big fan of splashing and carrying on. Especially not GETTING splashed. We didn't use the kiddie pool as much as I thought we might this year because it was never long before there was a disagreement on how the water should be played with. :) She can be a quiet player, and when it comes to water that's how she likes it. She loved going to the lake this summer with my family. :)
Her blankie. This picture holds a thousand words that I can't begin to write. One word would be "beautiful."
Sylvia loves, loves, loves her baby sister. She has learned to be gentle with Charity and the gentleness shows in her actions towards her. She loves to give Charity hugs and kisses.
The next picture has quite the story. On a day that I had not showered and was wearing less than my nicest home clothes, we ended up taking an emergency trip to the doctors office. Sylvia was playing outside after lunch and put on a pair of boots that had been left outside. A spider had taken up residence in the boot and eventually bit Sylvia. She initially just fussed a bit while trying to take her boot off. I helped her get the boot off and saw the dead spider squashed on her foot right on top of the little, white, raised welt. I immediately saved the dead spider in a plastic cup and started applying Young Living Essential Oils to the bit to help remove the toxins and relieve any discomfort. She wasn't crying or anything and was acting totally normal. After making several phone calls and hurried texts, it was decided to be safe and go to the doctor.
En route, any time I could (stop signs, stop lights, etc.) I reached back and applied more essential oils to the bite. I didn't really think there was going to be any problem until about half way to the doctor's office she started having tremors in her hands. Not bad, but not normal. She still wasn't verbalizing any indicators that it was bothering her but I was watching her very closely. Since we were walk-in at the pediatrician's office we had to wait our turn. Which ended up being a 2.5 hour wait. During that time she went from normal to fussing to full-out crying. It was over her nap-time but even so it was completely uncharacteristic of her. She kept saying her foot hurt.
The doctor looked at her foot (which by now had a red area about the size of a tennis ball around the bite) and looked at the spider. She was convinced it was not a black widow spider and that the bite was harmless. However, Sylvia was sweating profusely and just crying and crying. Her walk was not steady, either. The doctor called in another doctor and they just observed Sylvia for a minute or two before deciding to send us to a pediatric urgent care center (thankfully on our way home) for observation.
It was 5pm and nobody had napped, Charity was not having the best of times and I had very full hands with everything going on. I desperately called Daniel and praise the Lord! he had just walked in the door at home. I begged him to please come meet us at KidMed to pick up Susannah and Charity. As we got into the car where Sylvia's blanket was, I knew that if her hysteria was from lack of sleep she would snuggle with her blankie and go to sleep. She snuggled her blankie and would be quiet for a tiny bit then she would scream. Literally scream. And then cry. She did that the whole 10 minutes from the Doctors office to the urgent care.
Once we got into our room at KidMed I was hoping someone would finally take us seriously that something was simply not right. (And I don't say that to mean that the doctors we saw at the ped's office didn't; my mama gut just didn't think it was "nothing".) Again the doctor was convinced it was not a black widow spider (I had the spider with me, dead, in a little container). As I was able, I was frantically searching the web on my tiny phone and texting with my sister who was on her computer, trying to find out information on the looks, markings and lack of markings on black widows.
All the while Sylvia was continuing her screaming and crying. Each time she screamed I would ask "what's the matter?" and she would cry and cry and say "well, um, my foot hurts!" They tried various distractions for the first hour: the TV (she asked me to turn it off), a Popsicle - she nibbled a few bites and didn't want any more, crackers - she ate maybe half a dozen and didn't want the rest. They finally tried some numbing cream. 45 minutes later they gave her some Motrin. An hour later they gave her liquid Prednisone. Another hour passed with no change in Sylvia's behavior and they decided to give her some morphine. By this time she was physically EXHAUSTED (no small wonder). We had to move to a different room for the IV so we did that.
Then I had to put her on the table to get her IV. It took the nurse forever to find a vein (I'm sure not having drank anything all afternoon didn't help) and then it blew. She called in another nurse who chose a vein further up her arm and got it the first try. By this time Sylvia was all but asleep. I was loosely holding her legs and body, and another nurse holding her hand but she had no fight left in her. She screamed when they put the needle in and immediately fell asleep. Knowing we were finally headed in the direction of relief for her, I was glad to go through it all.
Once the IV was in place I crawled up on the bed and held
her. It was the most uncomfortable way for me to hold her but my mama
heart wouldn't let it be any other way. Then the IV pump wasn't working
and the nurse fiddled with it for probably 15 minutes before another
nurse decided to just let the IV gravity drip instead of being pumped.
It took 30 minutes to run in and just as it was finished she woke up.
She just laid there and I asked her how her foot felt. She sat up and
chirped "It's all better!" It took a few minutes for us to get checked out and on our way home. She drank the rest of her juice and finished off her crackers. When we got home (at 9:30pm, having left the house at 2pm) Daniel had supper heated up for both of us. By this time Sylvia was a combination of sleep and drug drunk. Her walk was wobbly and her speech very lazy. She ate a few bites of supper and was zoned out. We tucked her into bed and put the baby monitor in her room. She woke up twice, I think, crying about her foot. Tylenol and more of the numbing cream got us through the night. She complained about it hurting for a few more days, and we gave her Tylenol as needed and used the numbing cream often (she said it helped).
I did a lot of digging around on the internet and finally found that there are FALSE black widow spiders. There are 125 different species that are knows as False Black Widows, and the one picture matched our spider exactly. It said the bite is not very poisonous but extremely painful. Now I know and am glad to finally have an answer! Sylvia has a respectful fear of spiders now, and knows to not put on any shoes or boots that are outside.
******* End of the Spider Story *******
Sylvia loves to watch and be a part of whatever I'm doing in the kitchen... or just about anywhere, really. :) In this picture I was preparing squash to make into baby food. She took one of the pieces and put toothpicks in it for a "birthday cake."
I found this in my phone pictures. It's from early summer. I had put Charity on the couch for a minute while I did something and when I got back I saw this. :) Sylvia loves, loves, loves Charity. She will tell anyone and everyone "her name is Charity. Charity Kathleen!" It comes out as "Chawity Kaffween".
Many of Sylvia's Ls come out as W, and her Rs are non-existent if they are in the middle of a word. It is interesting to hear her pronunciation of words. "World" comes out "wihld" (short vowel-sound i); Car - Cah; Morning - Moaning; Blankie - Bvankie; Grandma - Bvamma. She must've recently grown just enough to be able to see out the side windows of the car; when we pass cow fields and there are a bunch of cows, she says "WOOKWOOKWOOOOOK MAMA!! COWS!!" The first time she said it I was wondering what in the world had her so excited. :)
She loves to snuggle and to be rocked. She LOVES to sing (but will often stop if we start singing with her); Great Is Thy Faithfulness is what she sings the most right now. Anyone and everyone that she thinks may be remotely interested she will tell them that she is 2 and hold up two fingers. :)
This is a little glimpse into our world with Sylvia over the summer. We love her bunches and bunches.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Begin Your Oily Journey - Young Living Promo
I know I've been quiet on the blog lately; I promise that I have some cute blog posts in the works. :)
Right now, before it comes and goes without you knowing, I wanted to share this great opportunity to get your family started with Young Living Essential Oils. If you've been reading here this summer you know that we use them and love them.
This promotion is only through the 30th of this month (September) so if you've been thinking about using essential oils, now is a great time start. Especially with school in full swing, fall and winter coming, I want to make sure we have our oily arsenal on hand for fighting off all the yuckies and keeping our bodies built up and strong!!
This month when you join Young Living as a wholesale member with the Premium Starter Kit, not only do you get the kit {which includes: Diffuser, 11 bottles of essential oils, a bunch of samples and a lot of great information - over $300 worth of product for $150!!}, you'll also get everything you need for a great start on your oily journey! For free you will get:
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have, either through comments or the email button near the top right of my blog. I would love to have you on the oily journey with me!
Right now, before it comes and goes without you knowing, I wanted to share this great opportunity to get your family started with Young Living Essential Oils. If you've been reading here this summer you know that we use them and love them.

This promotion is only through the 30th of this month (September) so if you've been thinking about using essential oils, now is a great time start. Especially with school in full swing, fall and winter coming, I want to make sure we have our oily arsenal on hand for fighting off all the yuckies and keeping our bodies built up and strong!!
This month when you join Young Living as a wholesale member with the Premium Starter Kit, not only do you get the kit {which includes: Diffuser, 11 bottles of essential oils, a bunch of samples and a lot of great information - over $300 worth of product for $150!!}, you'll also get everything you need for a great start on your oily journey! For free you will get:
- The NEW Essential Oils Pocket Reference book (which is my favorite go-to!).
- Empty vials for carrying oils on the go (so you can have your favorites at home AND in your purse) or to create oil blends.
- Vegetable capsules for taking oils internally. (Trust me, it is a sinking feeling to get sick, want to take oils internally and not having any empty capsules...)
- 1 Thieves Foaming Hand Soap - so good for keeping the bad germs washed away!!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have, either through comments or the email button near the top right of my blog. I would love to have you on the oily journey with me!
Monday, September 8, 2014
Respiratory Virus Preparedness - Essential Oil Style!
People, especially those with small children, are going to want to be prepared. Prepared to help your body stay healthy and free of the virus but also prepared to help your body fight it if you would get it!
If I had read the article about the respiratory virus a year ago I would have wondered if I had anything on hand that would really help us if we would get this virus and brushed it off to just wait and see. Now? This time I'm prepared with my oily arsenal from Young Living.
In this picture are all of the Young Living Essential Oils I have that can help with the body's immune system {fighting off the bad bug!} and respiratory health {sinuses, lungs, coughing, congestion}. Of course these are just a portion of the oils available to you from Young Living.
Many of the pictured oils are in either the Premium Starter Kit (which comes with the fabulous diffuser you see and that we love!!) and the Golden Touch Kit. The essential oils in these kits are amazing and I feel prepared for any yuckies that come our way this winter.
I'm not one to freak out about "what-ifs," but especially with children I want to be prepared. Below is how you, too, can be prepared for the winter-time yuckies - even if it's not specifically this "unidentified respiratory virus" that is going around.
To order your own Young Living Essential Oils simply follow this link to sign up as a wholesale member (24% off all products!): Sign Up Here. Select the Premium Starter Kit (which includes several of the oils I mentioned above) and fill out the rest of the information.
{The "limited time offer" for this kit with the Di-Gize and Sacred Frankincense is truly limited time. You want to get this kit while you can because these two oils are fabulous!!}
If you would also like to purchase the Golden Touch Kit 1, you would simply add it to your order when you reach that page of the process.
The two oils that I have in the first picture that are not in either kit are the Breathe Again Roll-On and Eucalyptus radiata. You can also add those to your order if you would like.
If you have any questions you are welcome to get in touch with me through a comment on this blog post or send me an email with the Contact Me button on the right side of my blog.
Happy oiling for health!!!
Sunday, August 24, 2014
A {Doll} House!!
A few weeks ago the mail-lady delivered a very big, very mysterious package!! (Susannah now thinks that the mail-lady brings us surprises!!) I had not ordered anything and was not expecting anything so I was a little puzzled. I did some thinking and putting two-and-two together (the address, the handwriting, etc.) and had a good idea of what the packaged contained.
Reading the letter from Miss Wendy
A phone call to my sister confirmed my suspicion. Her sister-in-law had built a doll-house and sent it to our girls!! The rest of that week was full with happenings and Daniel was busy so we waited until Sunday afternoon to open the Big Box.
Susannah and Sylvia were very excited to see that it was a doll-house and they were eager to help pull off the packing paper and find all the goodies carefully packed inside the house.
Wendy built doll-houses for her nieces (Sally's girls) and Susannah and Sylvia recently had enjoyed playing with their houses while they were visiting Sally's family in July. Little did they or I know a doll-house had been in the making for them since January!!
They love the house and spent many hours each day playing with it for the first several days. They have since moved on to other toys, but the house is still here and I know they will enjoy it again when they get tired of the "regular" toys.
I love the house!! I think it would be a fun house to live in if I were a tiny person. :) The details are so intricate, down to TEENY-TINY, framed photographs of our girls and a larger one (maybe 1.5" inches tall?) of our family hanging in the living room. So many details that personalize the house to the girls, our family and lifestyle (a rooster wall-hanging in the kitchen, a cat, ladybugs on one of the bedroom walls...).
A big, BIG "thank you!!!" to Miss Wendy for the love, time and detail put into making this beautiful house for the girls!! This is a treasure they will have for the rest of their lives.
Friday, August 15, 2014
In the 10.5 years that I have lived here, I don't ever remember having such a cool summer. We had the air conditioning turned off for an entire week in JULY. I turned it off yesterday and opened the windows and it's still off. I don't know if the official temperature has hit 100° this summer (I suspect it has on a few days). Usually summers are so hot and muggy that I dread going outside.
God has been giving us a wonderful gift of lovely, lovely summertime weather this year. Oh, I know it could still get super hot since sometimes our "summer" lasts through October, but I am thoroughly enjoying this mild summer!
I guess Daniel and I must comment to each other about what a "nice day" it's been weather-wise, and apparently little ears pick up on that. :) Yesterday several minutes after one of us said how nice the day was, Sylvia said "It's a GOOOOOOOD day." It was a lovely day. After lunch I strapped on Charity (I think with baby #3 I have finally gotten the hang of baby-wearing!) and we went to visit the chickens. After we gathered the eggs the girls frolicked in the yard, running up and down the hill several times.
While it was Sylvia's turn in the swing, Susannah went over to the tree, sat down and said, "I'm going to sit and talk to God for a bit." Then she told me what all she was going to talk to Him about. I don't remember what all, but it was appropriate 4-year-old conversation topics. :)
Sylvia wanted to swing for a while so I was pushing her "up to the sky" as we call it. After a bit she called out, "Mama! I see the great, big sky!!" I turned around and indeed, it was a lovely view of the sky.
I love where we live. I do miss the mountain views that I grew up with, but these little 2.5 acres are pretty nice. :) It's usually quiet. Dark at night so we can see the stars. A rooster crows in the mornings, and afternoons. :) Country enough that we can walk down the road and watch the combines in the field, or hear the hay-haulers driving back and forth on the road. Some evenings if the windows are open and the air is still I can hear cows lowing somewhere nearby.
I am so thankful for these GOOOOD days that we are given. Not only in terms of the weather, but the time given to me with our girls.
God has been giving us a wonderful gift of lovely, lovely summertime weather this year. Oh, I know it could still get super hot since sometimes our "summer" lasts through October, but I am thoroughly enjoying this mild summer!
I guess Daniel and I must comment to each other about what a "nice day" it's been weather-wise, and apparently little ears pick up on that. :) Yesterday several minutes after one of us said how nice the day was, Sylvia said "It's a GOOOOOOOD day." It was a lovely day. After lunch I strapped on Charity (I think with baby #3 I have finally gotten the hang of baby-wearing!) and we went to visit the chickens. After we gathered the eggs the girls frolicked in the yard, running up and down the hill several times.
While it was Sylvia's turn in the swing, Susannah went over to the tree, sat down and said, "I'm going to sit and talk to God for a bit." Then she told me what all she was going to talk to Him about. I don't remember what all, but it was appropriate 4-year-old conversation topics. :)
Sylvia wanted to swing for a while so I was pushing her "up to the sky" as we call it. After a bit she called out, "Mama! I see the great, big sky!!" I turned around and indeed, it was a lovely view of the sky.
I love where we live. I do miss the mountain views that I grew up with, but these little 2.5 acres are pretty nice. :) It's usually quiet. Dark at night so we can see the stars. A rooster crows in the mornings, and afternoons. :) Country enough that we can walk down the road and watch the combines in the field, or hear the hay-haulers driving back and forth on the road. Some evenings if the windows are open and the air is still I can hear cows lowing somewhere nearby.
I am so thankful for these GOOOOD days that we are given. Not only in terms of the weather, but the time given to me with our girls.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
First Day of Home-School, 2014
Susannah, age 4
Goal: Learning to Read
Sylvia, age 2
Observer and master of wooden puzzles. :)
We're eager to see what the year ahead holds for us. :)
Charity was napping when I took the previous photos, so here's her First Day of School picture:
Charity, 4 months and 2 weeks old
Charity's goal: figure out how to move!
Mama's goal: get her to like food
Monday, August 11, 2014
Preparing for Homeschool - The First Year
Do I really dare call it "homeschooling" when all I will really be doing is teaching Susannah how to read and doing some math? Since I have ordered the material and it will require me to use a portion of each day to teach the material, then I guess yes, it is homeschooling.
As I face the quickly approaching school year as a first time homeschooling mom, so many thoughts cross my mind.
Can I do this? Can I really teach her how to read, do simple math, AND do everything else that must be done? Can I keep up with the dishes? The laundry? The baths, potty trips and diaper changes? Can I keep two other little people happily busy while I teach one something specific?
Is she ready? Yes, of course she's ready. She wants to know how to read. ...but what if it doesn't click? What if I don't know how to teach everything in a way she can understand and learn and retain and and and...
Will she pay attention long enough to do each lesson?
Will I recognize if it's not working so we can step back and take a break if we need to? I don't want to frustrate her...
I want it to be fun. I know that all learning cannot be "fun" but as much as I can I want homeschooling to be a good experience. For all of us. What if either of us gets tired of schooling? You can't just stop doing school like you can stop playing with kitchen toys or blocks or whatever.
And on and on go similar thoughts in my head. So many "what ifs."
On the other hand, I am so excited for so many reasons. Mostly to see her mind unlock the treasure of reading. I love books. I think Susannah will enjoy reading so much! She wants to be able to read so badly. I haven't told her yet that we will be starting school soon, so that she can learn to read. I am excited to see her excitement.
I'm excited at all the fun adventures the future holds. All the fun field trips I want to do. We had gone to the printers to pick up some teacher's handbooks that I had printed off of a disc. While standing in the print shop I had the idea to someday take a field trip to a printing place. A working dairy. Museums. Historic places and landmarks. Factories (Hershey, PA is top of the list when they are old enough!!!). So many more ideas go through my head. I know these aren't homeschooler-specific things to do but things that I think will make homeschooling "the bee's knees!"
I've heard about many ways to teach reading and have honestly done little-to-no research on what method I wanted to use. For a while I thought I would just use the same curriculum that I had learned with, but then I heard about American Language Series from a friend. The more I heard about it the more I wanted to use it.
We will be using American Language Series which covers phonics & reading and spelling, writing & vocabulary simultaneously. (I didn't order from this site, but you can read a very good overview of the course here.)
For Math, we will use Horizon - K (overview here). It was recommended for going together well with the learning to read program. I have had fun looking through these books and anticipate that Susannah will have fun, too.
I don't anticipate that at 4 years old she will grasp everything covered and my guess is that we will make it so far and then put the books away for next year. My goal for this year is to teach her how to read. We can worry about nouns and punctuation and graphs and math later. :)
We are fortunate that when we built the addition we included a school-room. It's the least-finished room in the entire house but finished or not, here we come!! One thing I am really excited to do is to make our school room an enjoyable place to learn. I don't know how realistic it is, but I plan and hope to put up some decorations and use various decorative/creative ways to help with learning. I bought a huge bale of colored contruction paper at Costco the last trip and plan to put it to good use!!
As I face the quickly approaching school year as a first time homeschooling mom, so many thoughts cross my mind.
Can I do this? Can I really teach her how to read, do simple math, AND do everything else that must be done? Can I keep up with the dishes? The laundry? The baths, potty trips and diaper changes? Can I keep two other little people happily busy while I teach one something specific?
Is she ready? Yes, of course she's ready. She wants to know how to read. ...but what if it doesn't click? What if I don't know how to teach everything in a way she can understand and learn and retain and and and...
Will she pay attention long enough to do each lesson?
Will I recognize if it's not working so we can step back and take a break if we need to? I don't want to frustrate her...
I want it to be fun. I know that all learning cannot be "fun" but as much as I can I want homeschooling to be a good experience. For all of us. What if either of us gets tired of schooling? You can't just stop doing school like you can stop playing with kitchen toys or blocks or whatever.
And on and on go similar thoughts in my head. So many "what ifs."
On the other hand, I am so excited for so many reasons. Mostly to see her mind unlock the treasure of reading. I love books. I think Susannah will enjoy reading so much! She wants to be able to read so badly. I haven't told her yet that we will be starting school soon, so that she can learn to read. I am excited to see her excitement.
I'm excited at all the fun adventures the future holds. All the fun field trips I want to do. We had gone to the printers to pick up some teacher's handbooks that I had printed off of a disc. While standing in the print shop I had the idea to someday take a field trip to a printing place. A working dairy. Museums. Historic places and landmarks. Factories (Hershey, PA is top of the list when they are old enough!!!). So many more ideas go through my head. I know these aren't homeschooler-specific things to do but things that I think will make homeschooling "the bee's knees!"
I've heard about many ways to teach reading and have honestly done little-to-no research on what method I wanted to use. For a while I thought I would just use the same curriculum that I had learned with, but then I heard about American Language Series from a friend. The more I heard about it the more I wanted to use it.
We will be using American Language Series which covers phonics & reading and spelling, writing & vocabulary simultaneously. (I didn't order from this site, but you can read a very good overview of the course here.)
For Math, we will use Horizon - K (overview here). It was recommended for going together well with the learning to read program. I have had fun looking through these books and anticipate that Susannah will have fun, too.
I don't anticipate that at 4 years old she will grasp everything covered and my guess is that we will make it so far and then put the books away for next year. My goal for this year is to teach her how to read. We can worry about nouns and punctuation and graphs and math later. :)
We are fortunate that when we built the addition we included a school-room. It's the least-finished room in the entire house but finished or not, here we come!! One thing I am really excited to do is to make our school room an enjoyable place to learn. I don't know how realistic it is, but I plan and hope to put up some decorations and use various decorative/creative ways to help with learning. I bought a huge bale of colored contruction paper at Costco the last trip and plan to put it to good use!!
Thursday, August 7, 2014
The Good Ol' Summertime
It is hard to believe that we are already to August!! I was gazing at Charity today (yes, gazing :) ) and felt some sad twinges to realize that she will be 1/2 a year old next month. The end of next month but still...
She enjoys playing and holds her head up well. She CAN roll herself over but has yet to do it intentionally. That is nothing new for our babies. They learn at their own speed. :) She is one happy little girl! Matchbox cars are a little advanced for her, but I took these pictures when Sylvia so kindly shared a car with Charity. :)
I feel like I am finally back on the wagon of maintaining our house since Charity was born. A big boost in that department was when my sister invited Susannah and Sylvia to spend a few days at their house last month. Charity and I hung out here and I did some serious "get things back in shape" cleaning!
I am learning to harness the power of the natural energy that lives in our house. ;) The girls love running the vacuum sweeper so I let them each take a turn or two after we've cleaned up the floor. Once it turns into a "turn it on/turn it off" game I take over and sweep up everything that's left.
I'm pretty fortunate that at the age of 4 (almost 4 1/2) Susannah still takes a nap almost every day. However, if I put her down for a nap at 2:00 she is like a jack-in-the-box and doesn't get any rest (and ends up not in the greatest of moods by bedtime). So most days she gets the privilege of staying up and we work on something together until 3:00. Then she has to stay on her bed and rest at least until I go open her door at 4:00. It is rare that she doesn't fall asleep and take a good 2 hour nap. :) That tells me she's still benefiting from naptimes. Unrelated, but I'm pretty certain she's going through a growth spurt. She, who never complains about being hungry and typically eats like a bird most of the time, has been coming to me about 2 hours after every meal asking for more food because she's hungry. Last night she polished off a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at 9pm!!
One day this week she helped me finish making the bread I started at lunch time. She used her little wad of dough to make tiny cinnamon rolls. It thrilled her to no end and she and Sylvia had them for their after-nap snack.
We have now officially experienced the Coxsackie virus in our family (also known as Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease). Daniel had it the mildest several weeks ago and we didn't even realize that's what it was (he had 3 spots on his arms) until the rest of us got it and we put two and two together. Susannah and Sylvia were great little patients and were pretty happy through the whole ordeal. Susannah did have an ulcer in her mouth but rarely made mention of it and always ate well.
Poor Charity had it the worst on her skin. She didn't seem bothered by it, but two of the days she didn't have very good naptimes and didn't like being down to play. I ended up pulling out the Snugli baby carrier and used that some since she was happy if I was holding her.
I feel like I suffered the worst. Since it's more prone in children I was hoping to escape. Not helping was randomly getting Strep Throat out of nowhere to start my round off. I went to the Dr. to have that checked out and while we were getting my prescription filled I noticed the first blister forming on my thumb. That was Saturday at noon, and by Sunday morning I had 3 ulcers in my mouth from the virus. It was complete agony as my feet had blisters on the soles and felt like walking on stick-pins when I walked, and anything with my mouth besides carefully moving my lips and tip of my tongue hurt like fire. I lived on drinking smoothies and pureed soup through a straw from Saturday evening until Tuesday night when I very, VERY carefully ate some "real" food.
At first I was thinking "it's just a virus, no big deal..." Well, I will never, ever, EVER consider it to be "no big deal." I admire Susannah's pain tolerance (or perhaps the Lord's protection over her?) and am so grateful to be mostly on the other side of this now.
Now August is here and I am turning many of my spare-time-thoughts towards school. I'm pretty excited that this coming Monday is our first day of home-school. Susannah doesn't know it yet, but she will be learning to read. :) She really wants to be able to read and is showing all the signs of being ready. I am eager to watch it "click" in her brain! She has seen two "secret packages" come in the mail (the school books) and is very, VERY excited to find out what was in them. We plan to tell her this weekend. You might want to stay tuned for a post or two about that. :)
She enjoys playing and holds her head up well. She CAN roll herself over but has yet to do it intentionally. That is nothing new for our babies. They learn at their own speed. :) She is one happy little girl! Matchbox cars are a little advanced for her, but I took these pictures when Sylvia so kindly shared a car with Charity. :)
I feel like I am finally back on the wagon of maintaining our house since Charity was born. A big boost in that department was when my sister invited Susannah and Sylvia to spend a few days at their house last month. Charity and I hung out here and I did some serious "get things back in shape" cleaning!
I am learning to harness the power of the natural energy that lives in our house. ;) The girls love running the vacuum sweeper so I let them each take a turn or two after we've cleaned up the floor. Once it turns into a "turn it on/turn it off" game I take over and sweep up everything that's left.
I'm pretty fortunate that at the age of 4 (almost 4 1/2) Susannah still takes a nap almost every day. However, if I put her down for a nap at 2:00 she is like a jack-in-the-box and doesn't get any rest (and ends up not in the greatest of moods by bedtime). So most days she gets the privilege of staying up and we work on something together until 3:00. Then she has to stay on her bed and rest at least until I go open her door at 4:00. It is rare that she doesn't fall asleep and take a good 2 hour nap. :) That tells me she's still benefiting from naptimes. Unrelated, but I'm pretty certain she's going through a growth spurt. She, who never complains about being hungry and typically eats like a bird most of the time, has been coming to me about 2 hours after every meal asking for more food because she's hungry. Last night she polished off a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at 9pm!!
One day this week she helped me finish making the bread I started at lunch time. She used her little wad of dough to make tiny cinnamon rolls. It thrilled her to no end and she and Sylvia had them for their after-nap snack.
We have now officially experienced the Coxsackie virus in our family (also known as Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease). Daniel had it the mildest several weeks ago and we didn't even realize that's what it was (he had 3 spots on his arms) until the rest of us got it and we put two and two together. Susannah and Sylvia were great little patients and were pretty happy through the whole ordeal. Susannah did have an ulcer in her mouth but rarely made mention of it and always ate well.
Poor Charity had it the worst on her skin. She didn't seem bothered by it, but two of the days she didn't have very good naptimes and didn't like being down to play. I ended up pulling out the Snugli baby carrier and used that some since she was happy if I was holding her.
I feel like I suffered the worst. Since it's more prone in children I was hoping to escape. Not helping was randomly getting Strep Throat out of nowhere to start my round off. I went to the Dr. to have that checked out and while we were getting my prescription filled I noticed the first blister forming on my thumb. That was Saturday at noon, and by Sunday morning I had 3 ulcers in my mouth from the virus. It was complete agony as my feet had blisters on the soles and felt like walking on stick-pins when I walked, and anything with my mouth besides carefully moving my lips and tip of my tongue hurt like fire. I lived on drinking smoothies and pureed soup through a straw from Saturday evening until Tuesday night when I very, VERY carefully ate some "real" food.
At first I was thinking "it's just a virus, no big deal..." Well, I will never, ever, EVER consider it to be "no big deal." I admire Susannah's pain tolerance (or perhaps the Lord's protection over her?) and am so grateful to be mostly on the other side of this now.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
Loving Essential Oils Every Day {and a Promo!}
I haven't said anything here on the blog yet, but I've been using and loving Young Living's Essential Oils for several months now. I wanted to give them an honest try before sharing about them with you. My friend, Kelly, kept sharing how wonderfully they were working for her family and I finally decided to give them a try. I honestly didn't know what I would use them for. Lo and behold, I use them.
This past week I used Young Living Essential Oils aromatically, topically and internally. I used them for:
If you've been thinking about using essential oils, now is a great time to start! The promo in the graphic below is good through the end of this month and it's a fantastic deal. I use SO many of these oils on a regular basis and love being able to treat our ailments naturally!!
If you have any questions, you can use the "Contact Me" button that is below my blog profile (top right) here on my blog to send me an email, or you can leave a comment with your email address.
This past week I used Young Living Essential Oils aromatically, topically and internally. I used them for:
- Seasonal support of lung and nasal functions
- Occasional headache
- Kicking a sore throat to the curb
- Supporting the return of healthy skin on my toes
- Support healthy metabolism
- Facial care
- Insect repellant
- Mosquito bite care ('cause I don't always remember to use the repellant until too late...)
- Energy boost
If you've been thinking about using essential oils, now is a great time to start! The promo in the graphic below is good through the end of this month and it's a fantastic deal. I use SO many of these oils on a regular basis and love being able to treat our ailments naturally!!
If you have any questions, you can use the "Contact Me" button that is below my blog profile (top right) here on my blog to send me an email, or you can leave a comment with your email address.
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