But now, O LORD, you are our Father;
we are the clay, and you are our potter;
we are all the work of your hand.
Ephesians 64:8
I realize I have been scarce here the past several weeks. It seems things have been insanely busy and any spare time has been spent trying to keep up with the regular activities on top of the extra ones.
In all honesty, I've started this post probably
100a half dozen times, not knowing where I was going to go with it. I still don't know! So with my kitchen sink and counters piled high with dirty dishes waiting to be loaded into the dishwasher or hand washed, every other thing house-work-ish imaginable needing done, I'm sitting down and writing this post. I don't know where it's going to go, but I'm going to write and leave the words to God.
This fall I have been overwhelmed repeatedly at the amazing, incredible, GOD stuff that has come through my life. I was thinking last week how much I feel like a piece of clay that God - the Potter - is shaping. I don't know what the finished product will be. How many times He'll have to squish me back into a lump and start over. How many times I'll fall and crack. Or break and need glued back together. But He is shaping me. There's no other explanation for it.
I am in a ladies Bible Study at church where we're studying the life of David (a man after God's own heart -
Acts 13:22) in the book ,
"Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed - A Study of David" by Priscilla Shirer, Kay Arthur and Beth Moore. A couple weeks ago was the
Relevant Conference and I was able to hear a little bit of one of the sessions through a live broadcast... and have read some of the conference recaps by different bloggers. This morning
Cindy Shufflebarger spoke to our MOPS group.
Each of these things continues to challenge me in one area specifically:
How am I living my life as a child of God?
No, I don't think it's a mere coincidence. That each of these things, all separate from each other, would speak to me in the same way. No, God is putting these events in my path so He can work in my heart through them.
The Bible study is teaching me: I am a child of God, anointed with the Holy Spirit to do His will. He is transforming me each day into His likeness - bringing me through the thick and thin, refining me to clean out all the dross so that I can be a clear reflection of Him (
Job 23:10). And because of this, I can live a redeemed life for Him!
The Relevant Conference has left me asking myself: What do I (or does He) want my life to be? What should my BLOG be? Both should be glorifying Christ... reflecting Him to those that I come in contact with IRL or through my blog.
Cindy Shufflebarger spoke this morning about finding JOY in the midst of trials - big or small trials. Maybe just the little things that I allow myself to get ticked off at so easily. Or maybe the big things that really put a kink in my day - or week - or months. But I
can choose
joy instead of frustration. I can choose
joy instead of moaning and groaning about my day not going the way I want it to. I can choose
joy when God puts a big mountain in my path and I wonder "how in the world am I going to climb over this?"
All that said... I've been thinking a lot about who I am and who I want to be. I want to be like Christ... in my head. I need to get that into my heart a little better. I want my blog to reflect Christ. I want it to be an encouragement to all who stop by. I want to reflect Christ as I live my life as Daniel's wife. I want to reflect Christ as I mother Susannah. I want to make our home to be one that when people walk in our door they know God is here. I want to show His love to those around me.
I hope this has prompted you, too, to consider,
how are you living your life? Are you a child of God? Then how are you living your life for Him? If you're not a child of God, I pray that this post will be a seed planted in your heart that might draw your eyes to the One who loves you so very, very much.
Being transformed,