Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Moments In Time

Sisters :)

Licking the beater after helping
make Mayonnaise Cake Cupcakes


Sunglasses and Sidewalk Chalk;
one of the last warm mornings of summer.

Sleeping Sylvia

Waking up with a smile as usual. :)

Having fun in the "car" :)

Another warm morning;
outside before breakfast.
(She is holding a Hershey's Kiss, her special treat
for sleeping without her paci.)


  1. I just love Susannah's sunglasses! You do have the happiest, smiliest, most contented girls! I declare, if it was a cake, I'd demand the recipe. (I think they're only reflecting their parents...and I hate to think in that perspective of my kids sometimes!)

  2. Your little girls get cuter by the day :)


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