Thursday, October 4, 2012

Addition - Floor Edition

Very high on my priority list this week are the floors in the addition.  My sister, Sally, has been wanting to keep Susannah for me sometime when it would be helpful to me, so Tuesday I dropped Susannah of at her Aunt Sally's to spend a few days playing with her cousins. :)  

To reduce splintering and improve appearance, I filled all the seams and nail-holes with a putty.  After vacuuming again to get up any new dirt or bits of putty that were loose, I started rolling the primer on the floor.  It. took. for. ever.  The roller cover I had wasn't the best for the job (a larger "nap" roller would be best), plus the floor soaks up the primer like a sponge.

This picture is after the primer was dried.

We are using a dark chocolate brown color.  Last night - using a larger napped roller cover! - I put down the coat of floor grade paint.  It went much, much faster with the better roller cover, and also because the paint wasn't soaking in.  This morning it looks so nice!  Yes, it is still "painted sub-floor", but it really makes the room look more completed and finished.

One thing that is new since the last update:  Electricity!!  Well, electricity in and of itself is not "new", but having it in the addition IS.  It is so nice to be able to work without dragging around extension cords and work lights. :-)

I must run.  Sylvia needs lunch and then I must get back to work.  Susannah is coming home late this afternoon.  I can't wait to see her (I have missed her so much!), but I need to stay busy and get as much done as I can before I have to work around naptimes again (because little feet and wet paint on floors just isn't a good combination. :-) ).  I think that by tonight the entire upstairs floor will be painted.

Yes, I am excited.  Also READY to be finished with painting!


  1. Clap, clap, clap! I knew we should be having Susannah for just another day or two. She was really just getting more adjusted to being here and playing with her cousins today--and it was her day to go back home! I'm glad you got as much done as you did, and I can't wait to see pictures of the finished floor!

  2. Wow, it's really coming along! I'm sure you are so ready to be done and all moved it! What a blessing for Susannah to go to her Aunt's!

  3. Yay! You're inching closer and closer! I can't wait to see it all finished!

  4. It looks SO much like the inside of a HOUSE now! Built up out of nowhere. It's been amazing to watch :)


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