Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Addition - On A {Paint} Roll

Upstairs:  Den

Little bit by little bit, the addition project is moving along.  It seems to have picked up a little speed, but maybe that is just because the work that is being done is much more easily seen. :-)

Drywall is up and we have started painting!!  It is a LOT of paint to put up!  We were given some paint from Daniel's parents (a lot of trim paint, some ceiling paint and some partial gallons of colors that I thought we could use), but I still had to buy 21 gallons of paint!  We prefer the high quality, Benjamin Moore paint and we get the primer tinted, so we only have to do 1 coat of primer and then 1 final coat of paint.

Much of the addition has been primed and I have been spending every afternoon possible working at painting the final coats.  I discovered that it is really hard for me to paint ceilings, so I cut them in and then let Daniel paint them.  (The white-on-white is REALLY hard to see, plus my neck feels like it is going to break in two from having to look up at the ceiling that much!)

Two rooms that we have not done anything in yet are the downstairs 1/2 bath and the downstairs school/office room.  I have not decided colors for those yet.  I need to do that soon, though, because it will soon be their turn to go under the brush.

Daniel painting the stair-way.
I leave that area to his balancing expertise!

Daniel's parents came over one evening and helped prime the master bedroom, and then one Saturday morning 2 friends came and help prime the entire "common areas" - the (upstairs) den and the (downstairs) living room, foyer and hallway.  It was wonderful to have that huge space primed in such a short time.

Master Bedroom
ceiling: (leftover) White Dove
walls: a home-mix of (leftover) Soft Fern and Silken Pine

We *think* we will be able to start using the addition by the end of the month.  We have been determined to not go into any debt at all to build this, so we will be moving in before some things are finished.  The biggest unfinished item will be the floors.  We really want to put down hardwood floors and possibly even use reclaimed barn-wood if we can find an affordable way to get it planed, but whatever we do, it will be a large-dollar item and I am guessing that it will be about 2 years before we can afford it.  In the meantime we're planning to give the sub-flooring a coat of paint (probably a brown color) to somewhat hide the drywall splats and dust that has been ground in, and then top it with a coat of shellac to reduce splintering (especially for little, bare feet).

Master Bath
ceiling: Simply White
walls: Sweet Bluette
(a little more blue than the picture shows)

Interior doors, trim and the master bath will also be things to happen after we move in and as we have the money.

ceiling: Simply White
walls: Vanilla ice Cream

Regardless, I am SO excited and eager to begin living in the addition.  One thing we are really looking forward to is being able to have guests.  Right now we can have guests, but it is very, very hard to host people for a meal when there is not enough seating!

Susannah "painting"
with a dry brush and empty paint can.

Anyway, working on painting is sort-of fun to do, and a large part in why I have not been doing much blogging lately. 

I've become pretty close friends with these:


  1. You all are INCREDIBLE! I think it's fantastic how you are solidly committed to building this addition debt-free, even after putting so much of your budget "underground" with the septic. I think you're an example to us all. I also think it's unbelievable how hard you are working on it, even when you have 2 small children. When I had two small ones, I was dying under that load alone, barely making it. I don't know how you make it happen to paint and keep your body and soul together with all the rest of life still going on. I so wish we lived closer so Susannah & Sylvia could come hang out at our house some days. But, it looks like the Lord is providing!

    Cheering you on!

  2. Looks AWESOME!!! You always amaze me.

  3. {SQUEAL!} I'm seriously just so excited for you! We love our addition {although I hate cleaning the extra space! LOL}--it does make having guests SO much easier. I'm with Sally--you are such an inspiration! I think it's amazing that you're doing all of this debt free, and willing to make every sacrifice possible to get there. You're a rock star! ♥

  4. makes me anxious to build our garage!!! i can't wait to have all the storage space in the upstairs of it!! i do realize that compared to your postage stamp size house, I need more room like I need a hole in my head, but seeing all your progress makes me get excited!!! (for you and me!!!)


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