Monday, February 5, 2018

Various Sunday Sundries

I am writing a blog post for the first time in a long time! I have been wanting to blog again and have posts whiz through my brain usually once or twice a day, but finding/making/takong the time to actually write just never gets above the must do's of the day. I finally decided to just do it. Whenever, whatever, and however long or short, it doesn't matter.

Susannah making her lunch.
 Life has been a roller-coaster of normalcy and "we will survive!" this past week and a half.  We were getting into a good rhythm for our every day with chores, school, and all the other things that go with daily homeschool/homemaking. Then... a stomach virus invaded and everything went haywire.

Sylvia made lunch for herself and Charity one day when I was busy ... with something, I don't remember!

 Thankfully it stayed contained to the younger two. The rest of us were drinking our grapejuice with activated charcoal faithfully, and we escaped!! But 3-ish days of trying to keep school going for the well crowd, the mountains of sick laundry PLUS regular laundry, the sick crowd needing extea TLC, and well... the house quickly returned to upheaval-ed state.

Charity has officially joined the daily chore crowd, rotating which room is her room to clean* and vacuum.
*"clean" has different definitions based on each person's abilities. 

Yesterday, Saturday, we were all home all. day. long. Guess how much it *felt* like had been accomplished when I crawled in bed that night? Not a lot, really. But the reality is that Sylvia and I made our bread for the week (2 batches, 6 loaves), and even though we use the Kitchen Aid mixer it still takes a big chunk of time.

The girls *did* pick up and vacuum floors and even cleaned the main bathroom. (again, "clean" has many definitions but it WAS cleanER than before!)

Silas, 13 months, has earned a nick-name of Mr. Long-fingers. If he can manage to reach it, he will pull it down from wherever it is and dig into it. Like... someone's Christmas candy they didn't put up high enough!

I am looking forward to a new school week starting tomorrow, with everyone healthy and well, and on top of our game!

1 comment:

  1. I used to love your blog posts! I often used to read yours and the Cents to Get Debt Free posts from Phoebe. I don't think she has posted in a while either.

    Life is busy but I love seeing your posts. I'm in an office all day and my kids are grown, and have flown the coop, so a little breath of home/family life is a really breath of fresh air for me.

    Nice to see your family is still doing okay.

    Welcome back!


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