Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Week The Sink Broke

I really wanted to title this post "Holy Week" or "Holy Sink, man!" but decided to go with something a little more... appropriate. Oh wow, was this past week everything on the rollercoaster and then some! I know that my life is never dull, but God in his goodness allows events that keep me reminded that I don't have it all together and I can't do it all on my own strength and will-power. 

Case in point, this past Monday evening. Daniel had a work related conference out of town (out of state, actually) and needed to leave Monday evening. I'm a big girl, I single-parent a lot of all-dayers often, this shouldn't seem a big deal. But knowing he was leaving and wouldn't be home even at the tail end of the day had me a wee bit on edge even though I tried to keep it all supressed and ignored. 

The day was going fairly decent if I remember correctly. It had taken a bit of the morning and early afternoon to get the girls over their weekend slump and back into "it is time to do school, you need to do it well, staying focused, and not goofing off, withOUT me standing here reminding you every pencil stroke."

I was in the kitchen making dinner and heard 2 of the girls goofing off. Not a huge deal, though the toothpaste being smeared recreationally earlier on the day should have clued me in to their antic-abilities that day.  Except I was half distracted by dinner, wondering when Daniel would be home from work and secretly wishing either I could whisk away with him (to the Gaylord Conference Center & Resort, no less!!), or that he really wasn't actually leaving. Since neither of those was actually happening, I was just acting as though everything was fine and dandy and... what pregnancy hormones have me all over the place? 😛

Then I heard timidly-frantic voices talking about the sink. Things like "we didn't mean to!", "a crack started and then a hole!", and "it's broken!!" Immediately my mama-brain kicked into red-alert mode and my antennas went way up as I wondered "what on earth???"

By this time, which was actually just seconds, one of the vandals had run into the kitchen talking a frantic mile a minute. I decided whatever it was, I wasn't going to act on my first inclination which was to BLOW UP. "Whatever has happened has happened and no amount of voiced frustration, anger, or disappointment in this moment will do any good," I told myself as I walked toward the bathroom, still not quite believing that the sink could possibly be broken (hooowww???).

But, what to my wondeeing eyes should appear... but a sink. With a hole shattered in it. For real. With my husband, the solid rock emotions guy, not home from work yet and leaving for 24-ish hours soon after he would get home. *breathe in, breathe out, repeat*

I very, very briefly quizzed the 2 offenders on how the sink got the hole in it, which I couldn't quite understand even after they both said the same thing. What they said sounded like the dumbest idea ever. But, dumb thibgs happen so I just said we were going to close the bathroom door and leave it for now. I locked the door so no one would "mistakenly" happen to go in there to assess the damage and... who knows what else. 

I freaked out a message to Daniel, who was by that time on his way home. He suggested duct tape, I decided it was in everyone's best interest for me to stay focused on dinner and keeping the hyenas from further home reno-demo since we aren't in the demo stage of any renovation projects right now!!

Daniel got home, put duct tape over the hole in the sink for a temporary "fix", we ate dinner, he packed his bag and left, and I shuttled all the sweet children into their beds. And then I wished for a really tall glass of wine!! Actually, I think I crawled in bed and read a blog or something. The sink still has it's duct-tape band-aid, I've since learned more of how it got broken (which was still foolish but makes more sense), and Daniel and I joked about tearing the whole bathroom down to start the next stage of our house addition/renovation project. 

This guy right here? When he wakes up before I am ready for the day, I bring him into the bathroom with me and he plays with my bobby-pin holder. For a while. Until he decides to go crawling through our wet walk-in shower. 🙃

Our week ended on a much higher note than it began, thankfully!! Friends of ours were married and we attended the wedding. Being the ages they are, weddings are practically watching a live fairy-tale for the girls!! They were very excited to say the least.

Charity was the most excited about the dancing that was mentioned on the invitation. All three girls spent daaaaays talking about which friend they were each going to dance with, but Charity always came back around to saying she would dance with Daddy. 

When they invited any daughters and their dads to join the bride and her dad on the father-daughter dance, I gave Daniel a nudge. "You should ask Charity."
"Charity, would you like to go dance?" 

This was the start of their first "dance". My mama-heart just didn't know what to feel!!!

She loved the dancing and danced many times with Daniel. Neither Susannah or Sylvia wanted to dance, but Charity did. Later in the evening Daniel said he was having "flash-forwards"... I admit I kinda was too. She will be grown up and the bride dancing the father-daughter dance all too soon!!

And that wraps up our week. From sinks to weddings. Two exciting events on two very opposite ends of the emotional scale!

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