Tuesday, February 8, 2011

28 Days of Love - Day 8

Being Together

Last night as I was on the kitchen floor taking pictures for yesterday's post, Daniel joined me. For no particular reason. So we spent a couple minutes snapping pictures of ourselves... with serious faces, goofy faces and happy faces. I love Daniel and I love spending time together with him, even if it is just being random :)

Please feel welcome to join me in posting 28 Days of Love!
I just ask that you link back to my post for the day
and leave a comment with a link to your post!

Here's a shameless plug to anyone that might want to design a cute button for this meme.
me through my contact button.


  1. You guys are so cute together! Random time spent together is the best!

  2. http://herwitsend.blogspot.com/2011/02/28-days-of-love-day-8.html

    Y'all are too cute!

  3. The Homemade Cream of Mushroom Soup recipe can be found here:


    Let me know if you like it!

  4. Ha ha! That's great! You guys are such a cute couple. :-)

  5. The orthodontist did a terrific job with your teeth! (O.k., I'm being a little silly here. Great picture.)


I enjoy hearing from my readers!