Monday, February 7, 2011

28 Days of Love - Day 7

Something I love:

A clean kitchen floor

There's nothing quite like a nice, clean kitchen floor. Monday's are my kitchen-floor-washing days. It doesn't happen every week, but if it happens I sure do enjoy the finished product!!

Please feel welcome to join me in posting 28 Days of Love!
I just ask that you link back to my post for the day
and leave a comment with a link to your post!

Here's a shameless plug to anyone that might want to design a cute button for this meme.
Contact me through my contact button!


  1. Yes yes yes! I have this fetish with floors. I'm doing my best not to be OCD with them, but I fail miserably.

  2. Maybe I will grow to love the clean kitchen floor effect more when I have a little one crawling about?
    I've been enjoying your daily posts, thanks for sharing.


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