Monday, February 14, 2011

28 Days of Love - Day 13

Valentines Gifts from Daniel

I posted on day 12 about going on dates with Daniel. That evening we went on a "date" with a bunch of other couples from our Sunday School class for a Valentines Social. It was a great evening of fun - with each other and with our friends. Daniel's mom came over and kept Susannah here. When we got home and parked the car I thanked Daniel for the fun date night. "It's not over yet!" was his reply, quickly followed by "Stay right here." He got out of the car and soon returned with the bear and chocolates! He had even bought these ahead of time! Daniel doesn't often rarely almost never gives me gifts outside of Christmas, maybe my birthday and maybe our anniversary, so this was a sweet (no pun intended) surprise! The box of chocolates has a spotted puppy dog on the front and it says "You have a spot in my heart!" That is SO Daniel, and he makes me feel so loved.

Please feel welcome to join me in posting 28 Days of Love!
I just ask that you link back to my post for the day
and leave a comment with a link to your post!

Here's a shameless plug to anyone that might want to design a cute button for this meme.
Contact me through my contact button!

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