Saturday, December 18, 2010

Out and Up!!

Yesterday morning a bunch of guys showed up and the work began!! Things were supposed to start Thursday but it snowed all day. Yesterday (Friday) they got the 1st floor framed/laid and the sub floor down, and the outside corner posts in place.

This morning as soon as they got here they started framing walls.

Right before lunch (1:30pm) they had the second floor joists (TGI's) in place.

After lunch I ran an errand and then fried the donuts that I'd been waiting all day for. I'd made the dough very early this morning to have donuts ready for when the guys got here, but the dough did not do right and took f-o-r-e-v-e-r to rise ev-er-y time. They turned out great, though! Maybe not as light as they could've been, but tastes definitely over-rode any toughness.
Here's Daniel and his dad enjoying hot donuts :)

This evening most of the 2nd floor sub-floor is down, they may or may not finish that. Our choir Christmas party is this evening (started 11 minutes ago) and the 2nd in command guy here is also in the choir and wants to go. I think we'll go, too. They just put temporary stairs in place!

This is so very exciting. Shawn (2nd in command guy) and his 2 guys will be here next week, and Daniel has off Monday and another friend will be here Monday as well. They should get it all framed and under tar-paper, maybe as far as windows and siding, if everything goes well and quickly.

I have been crazy busy with making full spread lunches for the guys. The kitchen is always a heap of dirty dishes piled everywhere when they come in, but today I told Daniel that a good meal means dirty dishes :)

Well, I've gotta go feed Susannah supper. She's been doing pretty well. She napped great yesterday with them working right outside her bedroom! Today she hasn't napped as well, but she's still doing good.


  1. Oh my, those donuts look delicious!!

    What will the home addition become? As in, what rooms?

  2. Wow, they're going fast! My parents built a house once, so I know how slow it can possibly go. :-P Although, I think I'd work fast, too, if I knew that there were doughnuts at the end!

  3. Holy Cow girl!!! Y'all are going to have a huge house after this addition! It looks great too, can't wait to see what the finished product looks like :)

  4. I'm so happy and excited for you all! I love the pictures. You're doing great, and the dirty dishes are a testimony! If there were none, then somebody would be buying too much fast food to feed all the working people!

  5. wow the donuts look awesome, like store-bought ones!

    the addition looks big! bet you'll love it once it done!

  6. Wow! Can't wait to see more pics of the addition as it's completed.

    And those donuts look delicious, too! Would you care to share the recipe?


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