Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Vacation

I have intentionally been scarce around here the past couple weeks. This December is a whole story in itself for another time, but I wanted to share this Christmas Picture of our cutie pie :)

I took this picture of Susannah Sunday afternoon (the day after Christmas). I specifically dressed her in a white shirt and red jumper because I remember similar pictures of my older sisters and wanted to do the same with Susannah. I think my Mom made the jumpers for my sisters - something I thought about doing and wanted to do for Susannah but it was impossible this year.

It has been a while since I've had Susannah at the piano, and when I sat her on the bench Sunday, all she wanted to do was turn around and play it instead of holding still for a picture :) Since then I have pulled her highchair up to the piano and let her have fun for a while - she loves it!

Another good reason to be scarce is pictured below :)

Yep, we were at the beach. With snow. With more snow than we got here at home!

We still have a lot going on (when do we ever not?) until life will hopefully settle back down to some sort of normalcy, so have a wonderful rest of the year!


  1. Lovely picture of your daughter! And what a beautiful picture of the beach! Looks so relaxing!

  2. I love the pictures! I'll have to remember to take some of Hannah & Marie like that sometime. Maybe I should make a red jumper for Hannah (but I don't see that in my future at all, with the rate I am slugging through stuff over here). I'm so glad you had a vacation in the midst of all this. That's great!


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