Monday, September 20, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook, Sept. 20, 2010

For today, Monday, September 19, 2010

I am thinking...
How thankful I am that even though pictures may have been lost, I still have Daniel and Susannah in person. I dreamed this morning that our house (which wasn't this one, it was another one??) was burning down. I had gotten Susannah outside (Daniel was at work I guess), and was back inside trying to grab photo albums (the house was burning slowly; dreams are always weird like that).

I am thankful for... I know I always say this, but "my husband." All the work he does for us. His willingness to tackle our home addition project so that we build it ourselves and stay debt free.

From my kitchen... Yeah... that's where I'm headed RIGHT after this!

I'm going to... Go to the first MOPS meeting for this year! Woohoo!

I'm reading... "Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed. A Study of David" (Bible Study I'm in at church) and also the Prep for Toddlers book by Gary and Ann Marie Ezzo.

I'm hoping... That we will not have to spend any more money on dirt related stuff until it's time to pour concrete! It is sickening to think how much of our budget has poofed away like the wind, all because it wasn't made known to us when we bought this house that our drainfield is on our neighbor's property.

I am creating... Slowly, little by little and bit by bit, working at collecting stuff very inexpensively for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. It started when Crayola Crayons were $.25/24ct. for the back to school sales. I need to keep shopping around for other stuff now. I have crayons, toothbrushes, toothpaste and bar soap so far.

I am hearing... quiet. A few crickets or frogs outside, but quiet. Daniel's not up yet and Susannah won't be up for another 30-40 minutes. It's nice :)

Around the house... is a lot of stuff that I have every intention of taking care of this week! But I say that every week... Hopefully a different strategy I created Saturday will help with the actual getting done.

A few plans for the week... Make more baby food; MOPS on Monday, Choir on Wednesday, Tapestry Bible Study on Friday, visiting friends on Saturday. Busy week ahead!!

A picture thought... Daniel and I almost 2 years ago exactly. It's one of my favorite pictures. And I hope to get back to that size and weight again someday (sooner than later, maybe??).


  1. You do have a busy week! There's a couple of bloggers tackling the 30 Day Shred...I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and start today. My goal is 50 lbs, maybe by the end of next year :)

  2. That was at Ben and Em's reception, right? Can't believe it was only 2 years ago.

  3. Miriam, remember you're a wonderful, selfless, person no matter your dress size. I so admire your ability to give priority to the things that really count. I've been stretched in that area in the last 1.5 weeks, and have come up sadly lacking.


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