Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Day At The Lake

This past weekend was both a very busy and a very relaxing one. Thursday and Friday Daniel went with several of his uncles, his dad, his brother and a cousin (all guys) to the annual man-vacation to Lake Gaston. The man-vacation was for the whole weekend, but Daniel wanted to come back Friday night so that he could go with me to a large family reunion on Saturday. It's the kind of reunion where you want to go every year because that could easily be the last time to see your great - aunt/uncle so-and-so. Well, at least for me it is. My great aunts and uncles on my dad's side used to come visit us often when I was little, so they are definitely on my friends list, holding a special place in my memories. It is sad to see them further declining in mental and physical health each time I see them, when I remember my great aunts (2 in particular) trotting around, helping my mom pick peas or beans, and then sitting and visiting while we shelled or snapped... and my great uncles were always fun to visit with, listening to their stories about when they and my Granddaddy were boys. Of course my Granddaddy was a very serious man and didn't tell stories the same way they would :)

We had a good time at the reunion overall. It was a warm day (thankfully not BLAZING) and the reunion was outside. Susannah was not a happy camper for a period of time, a combination of being hot, tired and hungry. I finally figured out the hungry part and fed her, and that helped. She made me happy when she actually did fall asleep on a blanket we spread on the ground for her. I wasn't sure if she was going to sleep or not as she'd never slept outside before, plus there was lots of talking, clapping and whatnot going on. She didn't take a super long nap, but long enough to be her cheerful self for a bit before we had to leave. I wasn't able to visit with nearly everyone I wanted to, but we were able to chat with my Grandma for a little bit.

After the reunion we went to Rachel & Ted's (my sister and bro-in-law house, and then Gail, James & Bobby (another sister, bro-in-law and nephew) came later in the afternoon. Ted, James and Daniel went manly bonding, aka, groundhog hunting and Rachel, Gail and I visited and Bobby (4) played and looked at machinery books. It was really nice to visit with Rachel and Gail without a bunch of commotion :)

We spent the night at Rachel and Ted's and then on Sunday a bunch of my family (and us) went water skiing. It was a really nice day back at the lake! Wasn't too hot, wasn't too cool, and the water was a really nice temperature. It was cool to get in the first time, but didn't take but a minute to get used to it, and you weren't cold when you got out, either.

I'm not sure if we went to the lake in '08 or not, but last year ('09) just I went with my folks, but I didn't water ski since I was pregnant (but nobody knew that). So it's been at least 2 years since I skied. Make that 2 years, a pregnancy and LOTS of pounds have happened since I water skied last!! I really wanted to ski this year and I did, but wow, my muscles are wimpy! I think I finally got up on the 4th try and was totally pooped till we finished the round and made it back. Next year I'll have to remember to work on push-ups and pull-ups before we go to get those muscles working again. I was pretty sore Monday and am still "feelin' it!" today in my arms and one shoulder. But I skied! And it was great!! And I wish we loved closer so we could go again :)

The highlight (for me) was Susannah enjoying the lake :) She loves her baths, so I knew she would most likely enjoy getting wet, and she did :)

She went "swimming" twice, with a nap and meal between the two times.

Susannah "swimming" :)
The water was so nice, she never got chilly. She never fussed the whole time I had her there in the water! Now, next year she'll be a little older, and might actually realize how BIG the lake is and not like it quite as much, but I hope she'll still enjoy it :) We might go to a pool with my MOPS group on Thursday, and if we do I want to take her in with me. I wanted to take her into the lake, but of course I know better than to do that. The bottom's rocky and uneven, you can't see where you're stepping, and it would just be too much of a chance for ME to slip and drop her. In a pool however... :) (And yes, swimming lessons are in my plans for her in the next couple years!)

On our way back over the mountain, Daniel stopped and took some pictures. Here are some of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains :) How I miss them!! He said he could see 8 ranges from the overlook we were stopped at.


  1. Swimming lessons with MSS...I hope! Can't go wrong there!

  2. The pictures are great! It must have been a clear day to see so far at the overlook. I'm really glad you all got to go and enjoyed it so much. Did Daniel ski? I can't remember what his skiing habits are. I can imagine how thrilling and satisfying it was to find out you could still ski after a long break like that.

    Have a great time at the pool on Thurs.!

  3. I Soooooo wish I could've gone!!!! The pictures are great!!!!

  4. wait till you see the pics i got at the lake they are gorg!!!!! Sometime after 7000 other things get done around here I will put them on the puter so people can see them!!! Julia


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