Thursday, July 15, 2010

Blog Award :)

I had a sweet surprise waiting for me last week when Angel gave me the "Sweet Blog" blog award!! Thank you, Angel!

I am supposed to pass the award on to 10 blogs, but I can't think of 10 right off the bat, so I'm going to give this award to my top favs (in no specific order, ladies!) :

Phoebe at Cents to Get Debt Free
~Phoebe and I met IRL (In Real Life) pretty much 1 year ago exactly. She's awesome and I wish we lived closer together! She also had a super cute baby boy a couple weeks ago!!!

Davene at Life On Sylvan Drive
~I wanna be like her when I grow up!! Wow, she inspires me with her graceful and gentle spirit as a Mom.

Courtney at Living Peacefully Less Stressed
~Wow again. Courtney's blog has probably changed my life. Too bad she lives a couple states away :)

Elizabeth at Home Is Where The Coffee Is
~Elizabeth is HIGH on my "I wanna meet her" list!! She's one of my best blogging buds :)

These ladies have all impacted my life in one way or the other. Thanks, gals! ((hugs))


  1. Oh thank you, Miriam! This is so kind of you! I'm really honored!

    I'm so glad that we've been able to reconnect through the avenue of blogging. :)

  2. Thanks Miriam! Your being there is so encouraging to me :) and I am so excited to try out this other blogs!

  3. Yay, thank you!! You're high on my "want to meet" list too!

  4. Thank you, Miriam! I'm so glad we got to meet--too bad you're so far away. I think next time it's our turn to come your way. ;)

    Can't wait to check out Davene, and Courtney's blogs. I seen Courtney's on FB but haven't had a chance to read her yet.

    Oh, and Elizabeth is high on my "Wanna Meet Her" list!


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