Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Please Pray

My friend's sister had her baby boy, Robby, yesterday. She was only 26 weeks pregnant and had pre-eclampsia. Baby Robby is doing well, though these next couple days are critical for him.

I couldn't help but cry this morning as I read the dad's post on their online journal (similar to a blog). Babies are truly a miracle and proof of our Creator, and this newest, tiny, 1 lb. miracle only drives that fact deeper.

Being a mommy to a precious little girl who amazes me every day, I can't imagine going through what Wendy and Todd are right now. I don't even really know them... I met them briefly Easter Sunday morning when we passed in the hallway at church. I don't know what Robby's future holds, but I know that our God is an awesome God. He created Robby for a purpose. He gave Robby to Wendy and Todd so they could be his parents.

I just want to ask you to pray for this family and the team of doctors and nurses caring for Robby. They all need an immeasurable amount of strength, wisdom and support through this.


  1. God is always in control, no matter what we think. I will definitely be keeping them in my prayers during this difficult time.

  2. It's scary to think about, especially since little Robby is about the same age are our Baby Miranda at this point. Stay put, little Miranda, stay put! I'll be praying for this family. Is it their first baby?

  3. Sally, yes, this is their first.

  4. So sorry to hear about this. My daughter had the same thing and delivered 3 weeks early. God is in control.


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