Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My First Mother's Day

It was a busy day, but I really enjoyed my first Mother's Day. I thought about writing up a sappy post to schedule for Mother's Day but that never happened.

The week after Susannah was born my sister called me one evening to tell me that my Grandma had been having lots of mini-strokes and had decided to move into a local nursing home. That was hard to hear, let alone hearing it when my hormones were all out of whack, I was living on 1 hour sleep spurts, my body was sore and my brain couldn't function for more than a 3-word sentence.

Grandma is the kind of person you want to stay the same forever, and as long as she was living on her own, puttering around, it was easy to pretend that she was. I often thought about making the 2 hour trip to go visit her now and then but always put it off for whatever reason. When she moved into the home, I determined that I was going to go visit her every single month, rain or shine.

I had planned to go today (just Susannah and myself), but last week we learned that we didn't have any obligations at church this past Sunday - no choir, no nursery duty, no sound-room duty, or any of the different things we're often involved in on Sundays. So we decided all 3 of us would go and have lunch with Grandma. It was a little hectic getting left. Grandma's lunch is at a specific time, and I knew we couldn't miss that window. Of course you never know what a baby is going to decide to do so I wanted to leave in PLENTY of time so that if we needed to we could stop for a feeding on the way, or get there ahead of time enough to feed her before the lunch. I was all in a tizzy over nothing. We didn't get left as soon as I wanted to and I ended up feeding her here right before we left, and she slept like a rock until we got there! She ate a quick meal and then was a doll for the lunch! Grandma has her lunch in a dining room with other elderly residents and they all loved Susannah! Many of them came over to look at her and ask about her :)

After our lunch we went back to Grandma's room for a little bit. I changed Susannah's diaper and let her wiggle around some on Grandma's bed, and then Grandma held her for quite a while.

Susannah and her Great-Grandma

We visited for a little bit longer and then went to my parents for the rest of the day. It was really special to be a mama on this Mother's Day :) Susannah has rocked my world for sure :)


  1. You sure did have a great Mother's Day. I thought you put a lot of energy into honoring other mothers. One of these years I hope your children will put a lot of energy into honoring their mother. You're setting a good example for them!

  2. I hope your grandmother is around for a long time to come. My own dear Granny died the day before we found out we were having a girl. I still get teary thinking about it and it's been over 4 years ago...

  3. I was born on Mothers Day. You look very happy. What a nice pic.


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