Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook - April 1, 2010

for today, Thursday, April 1, 2010

I am thinking... about a bunch of things. That I could be taking a nap, cleaning off the table, doing laundry, cleaning up the kitchen... I'm thinking :)

I am thankful for... The warm sunshiney day :) For allergy meds that don't make Daniel fuzzy-brained :) For eyes to see all the color bursting forth with spring :) For good food and tastebuds to taste it :)

From my kitchen... The dishwasher is clean :) That's about all I can say :P The counters need de-cluttered, the trashcan is piled high and starting to smell, the non-food groceries from our Saturday shopping trip are in the middle of the floor waiting to be put away...

I am going to... take several naps today :)

I am reading... Preparation for Parenting by Gary & Anne Marie Ezzo, in spurts. We took the class, what, a year ago? and I'm working my way back through the book.

I am hoping... Dude, I just paid the bill for mine and Susannah's health insurance. I really hope Daniel gets a raise soon so we can afford to keep Susannah!! (Just kidding on the keeping her part, but the wallet can only stretch so far!)

I am creating... LOL! Lots of milk for my baby to drink :) That's about as creative as I've been the last 21 days. Yes, she's 21 days old today! Wow!!!

I am hearing... I am LOVING listening to the birds! They are so pretty sounding!

Around the house... are lots of signs that the housekeeper has been otherwise occupied lately :P Nothing a quick pick-up couldn't handle, but I haven't taken the time to do that yet.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Feed Susannah, eat, sleep and go to the bathroom. Give Susannah a bath and get a shower myself sometime in there. And go to the Easter morning service at church :)


  1. I miss those early days with the newborn babies...enjoy it and don't worry about the house, it gets cleaned somehow :)

  2. Sounds like you're doing great! I can't believe how well it's going for you. I just hope things go this well with our little Miranda.

    If you seriously want to talk about insurance, please let me know. We've had to make serious and once-unthinkable changes, but there are options. Likely we will have to make more changes in the future.

  3. I'm glad you are enjoying spring. The last days of March were up in the 70's here. But today, April 1st, we have snow and ice and bitter cold. Enjoy your birds and blooms!!!

  4. Just enjoy her! Don't worry about house-work, or anything else. She will only be little once. 21 days, wow!


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