Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter :)

A day late :) But since Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of my Lord, I can should celebrate every day, right? :)

Yesterday was a big day. We had church in the morning, of course. Since I was singing in the choir yesterday morning (I usually sing, but since Susannah has been born I, #1 haven't been to a Sunday morning service yet, and #2 I'm taking a leave of absence until she's a bit older to hopefully ward off nursery germs :) ), Susannah got to spend the morning in the nursery. It was the first time I actually left her in someone elses care. It was really hard!! I totally trust the nursery workers, it just tugged at my mommy-heartstrings to walk away from her like that!

After church we came home and I was able to get a 25 minute nap until it was time to nurse Susannah again and then we went to Daniel's parent's for the rest of the day. Daniel's sister, brother, and their families were there for the day and it was really nice to spend time together. It had been over a year since all the siblings were together!

My brain was running on fumes from about 12-noon on and I was pretty tired, but I kept mustering up gumption and plowed on through :) I usually sleep in the morning and early afternoon and yesterday I didn't get any extra sleep, really. I slept great last night!!!

It was a long day for Susannah, too. She had at least 2 naps in her carseat (poor thing :( ), and it was just a long day for her. Last evening she was soooo tired but wouldn't fall asleep. She wasn't fussy, really, just not sleeping and I knew she should be. She did finally fall asleep in my arms and got a decent nap. She did really well last night - I was a little worried that she'd be fussy still, but she went to sleep right away after we got home, and didn't fuss too much after her 4am feeding. This morning she woke up a little earlier than she usually does, but that was ok. I wasn't ready to get up :P but I did and she had a really great wake-time before she was ready to go back to bed. I'm hoping that with the day off to such a great start there won't be too many aftershocks from yesterday! I think I should mosey on back to bed myself. I know that I'm going to feel the aftershocks from yesterday, even if she doesn't! LOL!!

Yesterday morning before we left for church we took pictures of our pretty girl in her Easter outfit. It's the same dress and sweater she wore home from the hospital. The pictures turned out great as far as light, etc. Of course we had to take several to get one with her looking at the camera and not wiggling around making blurry spots :) I wish we could've gotten one with her smiling because she's so pretty when she does, but getting her to smile in response to us is still pretty iffy :)


  1. I just noticed her double chin. I'm sure you'll need recovery time today, and I hope it works out well for you to take some naps.

  2. You are so right about Easter.The picture is so precious. You sound like my daughter who has a almost six month little girl. She dreaded leaving her in the nursery but she is a Sunday school teacher and had took a break from teaching. when she started back it was hard for her to leave her and we live 3 hours apart so I can not help. Enjoy your baby they grow up so fast.

  3. Aww, what a sweet picture of your girl in her Easter dress! Happy Easter a day late :)

  4. That's a sweet picture of her. I hope things get in more of a routine for you. It's nice when our husbands help out. They are great! I bet she'll have Daddy wrapped around her finger if she hasn't already. Little girls have a way with their Dad's that way!
    :0) I'm so glad you all are doing well.



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