Monday, February 15, 2010

Menu Plan Monday ~ Feb. 15

I have been missing having salads (and fruit!!!) the past week or two!! Mostly because tomatoes didn't fit in the budget. They are on sale this week so I'm eager to have some salads again!!

Monday - Meatball Stroganoff, Green Beans
Tuesday - Taco Salad
Wednesday - Open-Faced Texas Burgers*, Pasta, Vegetable
Thursday - Bacon Cheddar Egg Bake, Fruit Smoothies
Friday - Baked Chicken, Baked Potatoes, Salad
Saturday - Date to Applebee's!!!
Sunday - Pizza, Veggies & Fruit / Stuffed French Toast

*This is a recipe in my latest Taste of Home's Simple and Delicious magazine.

It feels like it's been for-ev-er since Daniel and I went on a "real" date. Mostly due to needing the money in our entertainment category for something else. This week we should have money back in our entertainment envelope, and combining that with a coupon for a free appetizer that we got the last time we were at Applebee's, we should be able to have a very nice date and stay within our budget. I'm so excited!!

I have decided to not attempt grocery shopping on my own this week. This past weekend with the pelvic discomfort I had (yesterday was day #3 in a row, I'm hoping today is not day #4!), I've asked Daniel to go shopping with me Wednesday evening after choir practice. That way he can push the cart and do the loading and unloading of the groceries.

This post is linked to I'm an Organizing Junkie, where everyone shares their menu plans each Monday.


  1. Sounds yummy - Are you going to share the recipe for the Meatball Stroganoff? I'd love to try it versus the one I made a few weeks ago. I didn't really like the "cream sauce", it tasted more like gravy to me.

    I had that pain with my son (2nd birth). It's terribly uncomfortable. Have you tried the pillows between the knees? Nothing really helps until the baby comes out though. They might need to check to see if you've dilated. You might be coming early :)

    Oh! And have fun on your date!

  2. Candi, Thanks for asking about the recipe - I do need to share it :) It's so good!

    I tried a pillow between my knees for a while during the 2nd trimester but it ended up making my hips hurt SOOOOOO bad I couldn't sleep and could hardly walk in the mornings. The pelvic pain (see my 37 Weeks post) is round ligament pain-related. I'm not gonna complain if George decides to come "early" at this point :)

  3. Yes, please share the meatball stroganoff recipe. I think I'd like to try that. I might even have some meatballs in the freezer.

    Oooo...that date to Applebee's sounds wonderful! Enjoy it!


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