Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Menu Plan Monday ~ Feb. 1... or not??

Sigh, another week of "or not." It just didn't happen for this week. Yet. Not giving up hope. And it's not like I haven't had time to menu plan. I mean, our church services were cancelled Sunday so I certainly could've put one together then in plenty of time for this week.

Once again I've been up late the past THREE night's now. Sunday night was my own fault. Daniel was out working service calls and we spent some time together after he got home. Then I wasn't able to sleep one single wink (it seemed, I'm sure I dozed) that night for some reason unknown to man and I felt zombie-ish Monday. Monday night and last night it was after mid-night till we got to bed. When it rains it pours, and 2 different couples from church had their heat go out. Daniel was trying to get them up and running again and I'd gone along with him both times (more "us time" together :) ).

The menu for this week so far has been:

Monday - Frozen Chic. Wings and Ore-Ida French Fries that Daniel got for Christmas
Tuesday - Frozen Pizza and Salad
Wednesday - I think I might actually "make" something this evening. Hmm, what should it be? Maybe Chicken and Rice Casserole and a vegetable.

One thing that doesn't make it easier is that when it snows so much, the trek to the freezers is very "awkward with a chance of tipsy" for me in my pregnant state, so I try to avoid going down there if I possibly can when I can't see the ground or makeshift cinder block steps I'm stepping on. If I was not pregnant I'd grab the shovel and clear a path (Daniel hasn't had time to), but yeah... at this stage muscles I never knew existed make themselves well known if I attempt anything like that :)

So that's our menu for this week so far :) Today I'm cooking up the chicken I bought yesterday to chop up or shred. I'll either freeze it as cooked chicken or I might make BBQ. That will be another main dish in the freezer for when our little bambino arrives and Mama doesn't feel like cooking :)


  1. Well, flying by the seat of your pants gets you there, even if it's a bumpier ride!

  2. Sometimes pregnancy hormones trigger the insomnia. It did it for me. Have you tried drinking some chamomile tea? It might help. Otherwise, just rest when you can :)


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