Today was our first "back to reality" day after our vacation. We got home Friday, but took it easy Friday and Saturday. Sunday was the normal day of church and resting. Monday morning was my MUMS group meeting and Catherine had a well appointment in the afternoon. After her appointment I ended up getting groceries before coming home. Monday was also my day to work in the office, so once I was home I holed up there for the tiny bit of time left in the day. I didn't even put away the non-cold groceries.
As such, this is how my kitchen greeted me this morning:
The morning got off to a bit of a rocky start and a lot later than I wanted, but eventually the ball started rolling instead of skidding.
Susannah did her piano practice, Charity unloaded the dishwasher and Sylvia had free time. After that, Susannah and Sylvia started their school-work for today. It's a challenge to get back into the discipline of staying focused and actually doing the work, but we managed.
While the girls did school I started cleaning up the kitchen. I started with the groceries because I was stepping around them to do anything. Plus Silas was wanting to open all the packages, and managed to open the lid AND the pull-tab inner lid of a can of peanuts!
There was plenty of helping people with various needs mixed in every other minute or two. It seems to take forever to do a single task right now in life!
Finally the groceries were away and Silas stayed busy for a bit "fixing" the kitchen door. He uses an old mixer attachment thing (that I no longer have the motor for) as a "screwdriver," and tinkers on the screws of the door. At one point he was outside fixing on the deck. He actually had gotten my meat thermometer to use at first, but I swapped him for the real pretend (??) screwdriver.
Charity played in the living room for quite a while. These magnetic tiles were a fun Aldi find a few months ago. I have always wanted some but never wanted to spend the money on them. When I saw them at Aldi they seemed to be a good price. The girls love playing with them, so it was a worthwhile purchase!
Before I got much headway on housework (oh, I did wash and dry some laundry here and there), it was time to make lunch. I made sandwiches for everyone else and a salad for myself. It was yummy: lettuce and spinach, tuna, apple, avocado and grapes drizzled with extra light olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
After lunch Susannah put away the food while I fed Catherine. Then I loaded Catherine into the Ergo (love that thing!) and we went for a walk. Our first stop was the chickens to look at the peeps that hatched while we were away.
Then we went to a "meadow" that is literally 1 house away from us to walk. This was the first time I took the kids for a walk like this. They loved it! We are definitely doing this more often. The weather was beautiful too.
Silas held my hand for the first while. 😊 I tried to show him our shadows but he couldn't "get" it. Catherine fell asleep and was a content passenger.
I love the colors of fall and noticed the deep burgundy of these leaves. I think they might be Sumac but I'm not sure.
This just begged to be photographed.
On the way home Silas stopped often to collect rocks. It is interesting to see the difference between girls and boys! He also will collect sticks to carry. Hopefully I won't find toads in his pockets some day...
When we got back Catherine wanted to eat again. Susannah worked on her school some more (she was in Sloth mode all day). Silas went down for a nap and Sylvia and Charity played.
I finished cleaning up most of the kitchen and then had the girls work on some picking up. Some worked more willingly than others.
I made chicken pot pie for dinner. I just chopped up chicken to cook, added mixed vegetables, some chicken broth, 2 cans of Cream of Chicken, some Poultry Seasoning and some rubbed Sage. It filled the casserole dish to the brim, then I topped it with homemade pie crust.
While it baked, Catherine ate again. About the time she was finishing I smelled something burning and thought the casserole was getting too overdone. As soon as I could I went to check, expecting to see burnt crust on the pot pie. Instead it had bubbled over a LOT, and was creating a puddle of oven lava on the oven floor. 🙄 Oh yay...
Catherine was happy after eating and hung out in her seat while we ate dinner.
After dinner it was baths for everyone. Daniel and I have a pretty good system down pat: I start with Silas and work my way up. As each kid is finished, he gets them dressed (well, Sylvia and Susannah don't need his help) and starts brushing hair and teeth. This works really well and really helps lighten my load.
Eventually everyone was in bed, finally earlier than it had been for a while!! I went out and closed up the chickens, and came back to clean up the kitchen. (The oven spill will have to be cleaned later. This Mama can't be all things to all people and do all things too.)
The Oven Lava awaits... |
I'd hoped to get a lot more done than I actually did, but there were no dull moments in the day for sure.
It was nice to end the day with a much cleaner kitchen even if I didn't get to every nook and cranny.
The day ended with feeding Catherine once more before I went to bed myself.
And that is a day in my life!!