Wednesday, February 28, 2018

High Ambitions Check-In: Day 1

This morning I wrote about my very lofty goals for all I would like to [ideally] accomplish this week before our very busy weekend. 

{I also realized this evening that I need to squeeze in making a birthday cake for Sylvia!}

Anyway, since it is basically the center of my household (figuratively, definitely not literally!), I took the first bite of my elephant-sized project in the kitchen. 

As a reminder, here is the before. Lots of big dirty dishes, and some things that needed hand-washed. Plus generic clutter that mysteriously appears on flat surfaces.

This is the opposite side of the kitchen where things just... try to live!!! It's like this section of counter has a bright, neon sign over it, labelling the space as "Homeless Stuff Shelter, OPEN 24/7, No Time Limit"

Well, without a permit from ME, that unauthorized set-up wasn't going to last another day if I could help it!!

After breakfast and memory verse/quiet time, everyone worked on their before school chore. I work hard at rhythms and routines so we can one day run more smoothly! Someday...

Charity unloaded most of the dishwasher, and the first minute I had, I finished unloading what she couldn't and loaded that puppy back up and got it going! One of my "frugalities" in this season of life is RUN. THE. DISHWASHER. as much as I possibly can, and handwash as LITTLE as I can. I know this spits in the eye of what many would consider frugal, but this is how I can use my time most wisely and efficiently. 5 minutes loading the dishwasher vs. 10-30 handwashing? I will definitely opt for the 5 minutes, freeing up 5-25 minutes to do something like... oh, teach a math lesson, change a diaper, wipe a bottom, get someone a drink, work on food, answer 72 questions... or anything else. 

I might even use 1 of those now free minutes to redirect this little rascal from disecting my clothespins one at a time to playing with TOYS. (I never believed the girl/boy personality difference until this guy became mobile. Oh. My. Word. He is Dennis the Menace and Jeffey from The Family Circus rolled into one, and he's only 14 months old!)

Anyway, in spurts and spits, I ran the dishwasher twice and washed the handwashables in 2 different chunks of time. Both of those made a huge dent in the mountain of "dirty, big dishes". A bit longer of putting away and cleaning up, and this side of the kitchen counters was clean! Not spotless and not magazine perfect (eggs need put in the fridge, cups for the day on the counter, Silas's powdered goat milk where it is handy for daily use...), but orderly, clean, and neat. Mission accomplished for this spot!

By this time it was mid afternoon and nearing time to leave for swimming lessons. I had a little time to whittle at the homeless-stuff collection, and then that had to pause. 

After swimming lessons we picked up Taco Bell for supper (I didn't plan my supper plans quite well enough, we were short of leftovers and people were going to be very hungry by the time we got home). I have figured out how people go broke not making their own food! Yikes! But it was good and filling and the best option for the situation.

After supper, baths and bedtime, I tackled the rest of this side of the kitchen. It really wasn't time consuming as it was just a lot of odds and ends that needed put where it belonged. 

Again, not magazine perfect. Egg cartons waiting to go back to my MIL, an item to be mailed, a smashed tissue box (somehow tissue boxes never keep their shape these days), and don't pay attention to the random ribbon that held a Christmas decoration that got stolen to use as a kitchen toy. 😄 (It was a decoupoaged cookie sheet, and Charity "needed" a cookie sheet for her cooking! I think I'm actually the one that grabbed it down for her in a quick moment.) But again, straightened and neat counters were my goals. 

I even cleared off "my space", which is visible in the bottom left of this picture. It can pile hiiiigh with anything related to me that the girls don't know where to put. And maybe I dejunk my pocketbook there on occasion as I am running out the door and suddenly don't want to lug around 725 receipts and Sunday School papers. 🙈

Not pictured, but I did spend a chunk of time tonight working in the office on "taxes"... or, getting things ready for taxes. Business ownership isn't for the faint of heart, that's for sure! Especially when the computer program blips out a couple of times and other random things that make me exclaim "THIS is why I prefer paper and pencil!", to which Daniel replied, "but this is really SO much faster!" He's right. When all is working smoothly, no computer or operator blips, it is faster and easier.

So, that is that for today! Tomorrow I will see what happens and post again with my progress! 

Do you ever get a wild-haired idea to suddenly stop everything and clean the WHOLE HOUSE? Tell me I'm not the only one!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! I have had the thought to clean the whole house, but it looks a bit different than your "clean the whole house." And, my thought has never turned into the activity happening, and lasting very long. At least, not at this point; maybe someday.


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