Monday, August 20, 2012

Weekly Randoms

Sylvia enjoying a little time in the Johnny-Jump-Up.  She hasn't figured out how to jump in it and Susannah wants to show her how.  Today I had to stop Susannah from "helping" Sylvia jump!  :)

In a desire to add some better structure to Susannah's day, one day after lunch I very much on a whim decided that it was going to be the first day of school.  "School" is a very loose term, and the time of actual "school" lasts probably all of 10 minutes.  She loves it and I have to say that I do, too!

1st Day of School - Letter A

Sylvia was also needing some variety in her day, so I had Daniel get the "car" out of the attic.  Susannah tried it out first to make sure it was still in good working condition.  :-)

Sylvia takes a turn in the car.  Chomping on her fists - or any toy she can possibly grasp - 
is very common these days.  Maybe teeth, maybe exploring. :-)

Friday evening we took the girls to Grandma and Papa's house and then Daniel and I headed to the mountains for a 2 day mini-vacation by ourselves.  With Daniel's work being incredibly busy this summer and working on the house addition (his week of vacation really was not vacation for any of us), we desperately needed some away-time. 

This was the view from the front porch and living room:

We were lazy, but we did not eat lazy.
We took along Filet Mignon for one meal.

We had a Herbie-athon.  Yep, we watched
all four of these in 2 days. (Daniel had never seen them.)

We slept, talked, relaxed (both body and brain!), dreamed, and tried to take pictures of ourselves that we both looked decent in. :-)

We came home refreshed, blessed, thankful for the time away with each other, and excited to see our girls again.


  1. "Us" time is a must no matter who you are!!! Julia

  2. That sounds like a wonderful vacation!

  3. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time! Always enjoy your updates :-)


  4. You all do a great job of balancing work and play and fitting the best things into your lives. Well done! Keep it up.


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