Monday, July 30, 2012

Vacation In The Addition

Early this year, our home addition project looked like this from the outside.

Daniel's work has been exceptionally busy this past year and it has been hard for him to make great bounds of progress, but slowly and surely he has been able to get the plumbing, wiring and insulation finished, and this past week Daniel took a week of "vacation" from his paying job to work on another big step of addition progress: drywall!!

With some help from a guy at church (and his wife and a friend of theirs), Daniel's brother, Daniel's dad, and two other guys who gave us some of their time, almost all of the drywall was hung!!  All that's left is a few minor detail stuff.  "The guy" from church is also going to do the mudding for us, which is a huge help.

On Monday, Daniel and my brother (Glen, who was spending the week with us) finished getting everything ready for the drywall.  On Tuesday morning, they went to two friends' houses and picked up extra drywall that they had leftover from their own projects and were giving to us!  This is how much free-to-us drywall we had:

Soon after they got home, I noticed some dark stormclouds rolling in and went out to suggest that the drywall be brought in ASAP.  Then the wind started to blow, so we all worked together and hustled the drywall in just in the nick of time!

Daniel and Glen (on the left) working to clear

Looking into the foyer from the new living room.
(Also looking at the old front door.)
Stairs to 2nd floor on right, along with a foyer closet
to the left of the stairs.

Looking into the Living Room from the foyer.
I know it looks huge, but we have a piano and an organ to 
fit in here along with whatever "normal" living room furniture we'll have.

View from the other side of the living room.
Foyer on the left, stairs (wood-stove will go on the L/Rm. side of the stairs),
doorway to a downstairs "bonus" room on the right.

In the bonus room (downstairs).
This will most likely be a toy room and eventually
morph into a school-room and/or office.
Under the stairs is going to be a storage closet.

Hauling the sheet-rock upstairs was a 3-man job as it had to go
out the door, then back in and up the stairs.

We have a den upstairs. :-)  This room will be an
informal living room and where our t.v. will be since we didn't 
want it in the main living room.  The little "nook" over on the far
side is where I hope to set up my sewing machine, or possibly
have a nice reading corner.  It has south and west facing windows 
and is positively lovely!

View of the den from the sewing nook.
L-R: Doorway to master bedroom, closet, (stairs), doorway 
to 2nd bedroom/nursery.

Upstairs nursery/2nd bedroom.  I *love* the closet all the way across
the end of this smaller room!!

View of master bedroom from the master-bath doorway.
Doorway from den is right at the left edge of the picture, the 
walk-in closet is down on the left.

On Thursday and Friday they got almost all of the downstairs walls up!
This is the living room in progress.

I didn't get many more pictures taken, but on Saturday the "drywall guy" was able to put on the first coat of mud on all of the upstairs ceilings.  It was greatly encouraging to see it coming together so quickly!  This week is a bit of a lull, but hopefully things can keep progressing and soon be ready for paint!

I'm afraid Daniel didn't have much of a vacation, but I am really proud of him for giving a week of his vacation time to forward the progress of our house!!  I am SO looking forward to having more space and I am especially excited about the closet space... and the attic space that will be easily accessed through fold-down attic stairs. :-)  {Currently you have to climb a step-ladder and hoist yourself into the existing attic.  Not something I like to do at all as I'm just short enough that it is very precarious.}

During this week I stayed busy with my regular mothering and housework chores (as best as I could!) and also making and fixing meals for everyone who was there.  I stayed hoppin' busy, but I enjoyed it even though I was dog-tired at the end of each very long day.

Anyway, our life continues to be anything but dull and boring. :-)  Thanks for coming for the tour!


  1. How exciting, your house is going to be huge when the addition is completed.

  2. Wow, you guys made so much progress in one week! Any paint colors picked out?


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