Monday, May 28, 2012

Aiming High and Hitting the Middle

 Last week I jumped headfirst into my daily lists and weekly goals.  I am a firm believer of aiming high so you will at least hit somewhere in the middle.  And about the middle is where I hit.  I didn't get everything done each day, and I certainly didn't get all of my weekly goals accomplished.  I DID get the kitchen floor washed!!!  Susannah got up from her nap right before I was getting started and it was kind-of a "now or never" moment, so I decided on "now".  She wanted to help and had fun sloshing water around on the floor with her own rag.  Even though I had to change her clothes when we finished, the clean floor was worth it!

Some of the "hitting the middle" was partially due to taking a last minute overnight trip to visit my sister for a day and a half. :-)  It was last minute because it was all fairly tentative until Wednesday morning when I had slept well and had as much "feel like" as I did "want to".

These are the cousins all together. (This isn't ALL of the cousins, just the ones we were visiting.)

Aside from going to visit so my sister and I could visit, or so Susannah could play with her cousins (and their fun toys!), I wanted to meet my newest niece who is 4 weeks old.  With both my sister and I having little babies, no great, rip-roaring projects were accomplished but we had a wonderful time visiting, feeding our babies together (their schedules were very close to each others) and watching the older kids play and have fun.

This past week my goals were:
  • Write 3 thank you notes for baby gifts  {I wrote one.}
  • Do 1 hour of bookwork {I got in about 40 minutes, including paying bills.}
  • Clean in the Master Bedroom for 15 minutes  {didn't happen}
  • Finish sewing the kitchen curtains {I really pushed for accomplishing this goal, because I didn't want to dig out my sewing machine and ironing board for nothing!  I have them all finished except for 1 final seam that I will need to sew once I get the curtain rods and know how much space to allow for the rods to fit through the curtains.}
This week my goals are:
  • Write 3 thank you notes for baby gifts
  • Do 1 hour of bookwork
  • Clean in the Master Bedroom for 15 minutes
  • Grocery Shopping trip
  • Hem a skirt that I want to shorten
  • Possibly shop for kitchen curtain rods and hang curtains
  • Exercise x2
I'm looking forward to aiming high again... I'll see where I land!

1 comment:

  1. My daughter and I washed our floors this weekend as well. It sounds like your adventure was very similar to ours!

    We do what we can, don't we!


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