Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter 2012

Every year, for me the highlight of Easter is the services at church. The Palm Sunday service, the Good Friday service, and the Easter/Resurrection Morning service.

In the past we have not done anything for Susannah at Easter. This year since she was older and I knew she would love getting a present (again), I wanted to make her an Easter Basket. I didn't really want to do candy or chocolate, or even marshmallow peeps. For some reason I don't want Easter to be all about the "Easter Bunny" or to be another "get lots of candy" day. (Heh, we don't do any other "get lots of candy" days either!) So into her Easter Basket went some fun things, and a few things that she needed.

She has been keeping her crayons in a big yogurt tub and often it would get dumped out as she tried to dig for a certain crayon. I decided that something like a pencil box would be great for her crayons, and instead of just buying it for her, I saved it for in her Easter Basket. We also gave her a new bathing suit (or "baybeen shoot"), new tights and some super cute, new hair-bows.

I put her basket together Saturday night after she went to bed...

...and put it beside her bed for her to find when she woke up Sunday morning :)

She did find it! When I went in to get her up, the tights were open and across the bed, and she had opened the crayon box. She was pretty happy about her find!

After church, we drove a couple hours to my parents house to visit for the afternoon and for a few more family members to meet Sylvia.

Susannah found my parents' piano and it made a perfect opportunity to get some very nice pictures of her in her cute dress (which is a hand-me-down from somewhere). Sadly, the camera had a weird blip right after I took the cutest and best picture, and that one didn't get saved to the card :-( This one is still pretty cute, though. And she's wearing a new hair-bow!
Here is my mom with Susannah and Sylvia:

My Grandma (my Dad's mom) and Susannah.
My Grandma meeting Sylvia.

Grandma has lived a long life having turned 91 years old this past February. I am so glad that the Lord has given her life long enough to see our children, her great grandchildren. Her memory is not very sharp anymore and she couldn't remember their names very well at all, but she seemed to get joy out of watching them and holding them briefly.

After an afternoon of visiting and then leftovers for supper, we headed back home. It was a wonderful day celebrating the Risen Lord and also being able to see family.


  1. Oh my goodness, these pictures are so cute! I love Susannah's curls. Her hair is just lovely in that picture at the piano.

    It looks like she transitioned to sleeping on a mattress on the floor just fine. Good job!

  2. She looks precious in the little dress!


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