Monday, January 16, 2012

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Monday, January 16, 2012

I am thinking... That last week was a very good week and I would love to have another one this week. Last week went smoothly and productively. I also need to think about "what do I want" for our anniversary (in March). Daniel asked me that late last night. Hmm, I'll have to think about it a bit. I told him it very well might be for HIM to feed the new baby all night and let me sleep ;) (But that wouldn't really happen since I plan to nurse the baby and probably won't have him or her on a bottle yet.)

I am thankful for... Being able to sleep really well lately. That so far I'm not having any of the swelling (feet, ankles, hands) like I had with my first pregnancy. That currently the aches and pains of pregnancy are pretty mild. I am very thankful for all of these :)

From my kitchen... I think I will make some waffles for Susannah's breakfast. I hope to enjoy a nice, hot mug of coffee with some hot cocoa mix stirred in a little later :)

I am reading... I am making myself read all the way through More Hours In My Day by Emilie Barnes. I've read it before so it's easy to speed read the high spots, but I don't want to miss anything new I might learn from it this time around.

I am hoping... That Susannah's cold is short-lived as our colds usually are. She came down with it Saturday night (she and I stayed home from church yesterday), and last evening she looked pretty miserable. I'm also hoping that I don't get it!

I am creating... If I run out of things to do this week (haha!) I think I might dig out the sewing machine and see if I can finish or almost finish the kitchen curtains.

I am hearing... I turned on a soft, quiet instrumental praise CD this morning. Very peaceful, and provides some "white noise" for Susannah to hopefully be sleeping by as I make some noise.

Around the house... Susannah's new plastic blocks (I can't think of what they are called right now!) are scattered on the kitchen floor; her new-to-us "Go Dog, Go!" book and "I'm A Big Sister" book are beside the couch where we read them last night. They are probably her favorite books right now :)

A few plans for the week... A few of the things on my goal list for this week: To finish wiping down the kitchen cabinets (I only have the bottom ones to do), that has been on the list for a while; to clean off the desk; to clean the bottom shelf - which is really the floor - in the pantry.

A picture... One I have shared before, my kitchen windowsill where I like to keep a candle burning in the mornings and evenings through the cool winter months. Days like today, when it was 18° at 7:30 this morning, I lit it right away. It makes the kitchen feel more cozy :)

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy these last few weeks of having Susannah as your only child. I know I missed that so much for a while after Hannah was born (having Paul as my only child). I am already starting to have pangs of sorrow that soon I won't have "just" 3 children. It's not that it's anything bad, it's just I get a little heartsick over not being able to do all the things with them that I once was able to. I wish I could have 3 clones so each of my kids could always have lots of story time, lots of craft time, lots of uninterrupted school time, etc.


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