Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tiny Talk Tuesday {What Do The Big Dogs Say?}

Susannah has been saying "woof-woof" for a long time now, in fact it was probably one of her first words.

Recently we have re-discovered one of our board books, Moo, Baa, La! La! La! by Sandra Boynton. In this book there are "little dogs" and "big dogs." We have had fun with the two, and Susannah is starting to be able to correctly answer us when we ask her "what do the little dogs say?" and "what do the big dogs say?"

It's much cuter in person, but here's a little video I took this morning. (And goodness, I need to talk slower!)

(Our camera must shoot in a different frame size than blogger uses, I really did have her centered in the screen :) )

1 comment:

  1. My goodness she's as cute as a button! Her eyes looks to big and "Precious Moments-y" in this video. Thanks for sharing.


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