Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy News :)

We are very excited to announce to the bloggy world that we're going to have another baby!!

almost 10 weeks

"Baby Gus" is due to arrive late February/early March of 2012.

I'm about 13 weeks along.

I'm feeling fine most of the time. More tired, and occasionally my stomach feels "off", but overall mostly normal. And pregnant :)

For a couple weeks I felt absolutely awful. Then we figured out the prenatal vitamins were the cause, so I've been off those (with the Dr's blessing) and will try again in a few weeks when the 1st trimester changes should be leveled out.

Oh yes, we did want this baby, he or she was not a surprise :) We were pleasantly surprised to find out from the first ultrasound that we were 2 weeks further along than we thought.

We got to hear the heartbeat at the 12 week appointment :) Daniel was able to be there and it was very special.

Susannah will turn 2 very soon after the baby is born, unless this baby holds out for a couple weeks overdue! So I guess in all reality we'll have "2 under 2" for a tiny bit :)

We are calling the baby "Baby Gus" but that is only a nickname for now (Susannah was "Baby George").


  1. congratulations to you all, although i think i already congratulated you in the FB realm!

  2. Oh, congratulations!! We are due right around the same exciting!

  3. Awesome!!! Congrats to you all!!!!

  4. congrats! March 3, my birthday :)

  5. How wonderful to have another baby (though I cannot believe people would ask if it was planned or a surprise). Babies are wonderful!

  6. Congrats!!! Our 3rd is due right around March 4th! So excited for you!!

  7. Miriam, this is AWESOME news!!! Congrats! I am so happy for you and so glad that you've felt mostly good this 1st trimester. YAY, we can be preggo buddies! :D


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