Monday, June 13, 2011

Menu Plan 6/13 - 6/19

I have jumped back on the menu planning bandwagon recently. I was getting burnt out with the day to day "what to make", and especially being busy with the garden I was finding it hard to find even the motivation to fix supper.

One big help is that over the past several weeks I've decided what kind of meal to have 3 nights a week.
  • Monday is something in the crock pot so I can spend more time recovering from the weekend (not me recovering, but me helping the housework recover!), or getting a good start to the week.
  • Wednesday is a casserole. A one-dish type meal since we have an earlier dinner before going to church.
  • Friday is pizza night, of course :)
It's almost 2am Monday morning as I write this. I took a Sunday afternoon nap and it must've been a really good one. I crawled in bed ready to go to sleep at 11:30pm and just tossed and turned until I decided to do something productive with my wide-awake brain at 1am.

Monday - Roast Beef, Garlic-Parmesan Potatoes, Zucchini (from the garden!)
Tuesday - Pork chops, Cornbread, Vegetable
Wednesday - Turkey Turnovers, Vegetable
Thursday - Apricot Chicken, Rice, Vegetable
Friday - Pizza, Salad
Saturday - Taco Salad
Sunday - Leftovers

All the "vegetables" will either be salad or whatever I'm in the mood for when I go digging in the freezer :) I have a couple turkeys in the freezer from the Easter sale and I'll be roasting one this week to make a little room in the freezer for garden produce :)

I think after this I am more ready to fall asleep :) Hopefully I'll wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your menu plans. I've been in a small quandary over what to fix for our meals. So far I've just stayed 1 day ahead with my plans. This evenings supper is cabbage au gratin.


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