Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook - May 31, 2011

For today, the last day of May.
It is very hot this week, today it's supposed to be
mid 90°'s with a heat index of 100° - 105°.

I am thinking... Mmm, not a whole lot this morning. A little of this, a little of that, and nothing hard-core or major. It's hard to believe tomorrow is JUNE already!

I am thankful for... Air Conditioning! And my HVAC Service Tech. husband who checked out our equipment yesterday and it's all working smoothly.

From my kitchen... The refrigerator is full of peas, peas and more peas. We've been shelling in the evenings until 11:30 or midnight and just shove them in the frige. I need to get them bagged up and in the freezer today. I might make another batch of bread.

I am reading... I started Loving God With All Your Mind by Elizabeth George (again). It's good. Hopefully I'll make it all the way through this time. I haven't had much time for reading lately!

I am hoping... That today will go smoothly and the house will look better at the end of the day than it has in several weeks.

I am hearing... The dishwasher, the washing machine, and Susannah :)

A few plans for the week... Pick peas tomorrow, grocery shop on Thursday, pick peas Friday, probably work in the garden Saturday either pulling weeds or pulling out the peas if they're finished by then. Daniel wrote "Date Night?" on the calendar for Thursday... I guess I should see if Grandma wants to keep Susannah :)

A picture...
Susannah, probably like every normal 14 month old, is fascinated with any writing utensil. If she finds a pen or pencil and a paper, she goes through the motions of putting the pointy end to the paper. I had the idea that if I let her draw (supervised) that maybe it would keep ink/lead off of things that it doesn't go on. So every once in a while I pull out her paper and pencil (a very SHORT pencil) that I keep in a drawer, and she sits in her high chair and "draws" for a couple minutes. Sometimes she gets some marks on the paper, sometimes she doesn't - she hasn't figured out how to hold the pencil consistently in a good position yet - but she has fun :)


  1. Do you blanch your peas before you freeze them? I doubt I'll have any for the freezer. The 1/2 of my peas in the rockier side of the garden aren't producing much at all. Besides, it's going to be in the 90's here this week too, and that's going to put the brakes on them.

  2. Sally, I don't blanch peas or green beans. If I have broccoli or cauliflower to freeze I'll probably blanch those.

  3. Thanks for visiting over at Busy Hands Busy Minds! I loved reading through some of your blog posts. You've got your hands full with a little one and a good sized garden! This is the first year that we have planted garden (english) peas and I'm not sure what to do with them. We don't have near as many as you do, though. I think we will sprinkle them on salads! I have had a hard time lately getting rennet!! My local supplier has had trouble with HIS supplier, so I will have to resort to an online source. Nice meeting you!

  4. I started picking sugar peas yesterday, but with this 100+ heat I don't think they will last long. I did the unforgivable and had Carla come clean the house. I decided to face the facts, after both of us spending 16+ hrs out in this heat every day it is not condusive to good health to come home to a hog waller. It was soooo nice when I ran home to get ready for work, I walked in the house and it was CLEAN!!! I can keep up with the picked up and put away, I just don't have time to sweep & wash floors, dust, etc. THis isn't going to be a reg. thing but that was waht I needed for now.

  5. Anonymous (which sounds like Julia), don't walk into my house! I can't even keep Kitten Chow off the floor it seems, and it's soon going to be Marie's every snack!

  6. @Sally Susannah is living proof that cat/dog food does not kill a person. I don't offer it to her, but I know she's had a piece or two in her lifetime.


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