Monday, May 16, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook - May 16, 2011

For today, Monday, May 16, 2011

I am thinking...
a family in our church has been weighing heavy on my heart yesterday and today - they lost a husband/dad/granddad 2 weeks ago.

I am thankful for... my husband! All the rain we've gotten and are supposed to get. Our church family. The Word and our pastor's expository preaching.

From my kitchen... Pancakes. With butter. And powdered sugar. And strawberries!! Taste-bud heaven! Later today I must make bread, and hope to make Monster Cookies (Daniel's request).

I am reading... last week I read "Light From Heaven", by Christmas Carol Kauffman. Based on a true story, it was not the most easy book to read, but it was encouraging to read about the life of such a godly woman who taught her children to love the Lord amidst their trials.

I am hoping... to finish Spring Cleaning the "Master Bedroom" (Ha! Such a grand name for our tiny space!) This Spring Cleaning may end up being "Spring and All Summer Cleaning", but I am enjoying the results even if it's taking me a while.

I am hearing... the birds :) Yesterday while Susannah was eating breakfast she heard a bird who was singing quite loudly. She got her "what is that?!" look on her face. The bird was sitting on the electric line outside the window so I was able to show her the bird - and she was pretty fascinated by it until it flew away :)

A few plans for the week... Probably same old, same old. I need to work in the garden, but it may be amid mud. I have tomato plants and cucumber plants that I need to get in. Oh! And if all works out, maybe this week will be the week that Daniel gets home from work early and can watch Susannah while I go do some desperately needed shopping! That has been a "plan" for several weeks now :)

A picture...
What I saw one afternoon when I heard some noise
and turned around from washing dishes.
Susannah is a Daddy's girl because I detest! Dr. Pepper!

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