Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday Afternoon Blog Fodder

  • In gardening this year I am rediscovering muscles I forgot I had. Many nights Tylenol or Ibuprofen is my BFF. Because if I don't take any I just lie awake aching and tossing and turning trying to get comfortable.
  • I must be getting old. I don't like getting old. I like being about 21 or 2 or 3, instead of being 26. And a half. *crosses eyes and sticks out tongue* It's all in how old you FEEL, right? In that case, most nights I feel about 75.
  • My garden is coming along quite nicely, though! I can't wait to do an update post later this week :)
  • We got our tax refund. A very hefty one. We might need to have more kids.
  • No, I'm not pregnant.
  • I don't recommend having kids just for the sake of keeping more of your money. You should only have kids if you really WANT kids.
  • I haven't gotten any further in my spring cleaning since I finished the kitchen. I thought about doing the bathroom this afternoon. Thought.
  • The addition is coming along ve. ry. slow. ly. I'm not sure if Daniel's work is going to have a slow time this spring... it seems like it jumped from winter-busy to summer-busy. But busy is not a bad thing. Unless you want to work on the addition :)
  • It all boils down to time and money, and you can't have both at the same time.
  • I have lots of stuff I want to blog about but this'll have to do for now.
  • I need to go get some meat outa the freezer for supper, and get started on that.


  1. hmmm....maybe I should have a kid....

  2. Those were almost my EXACT thoughts when I saw our tax refund! "Well, honey, I really feel like a trip to Europe next year, so let's have another kid!" :-D Hope you feel better soon-- you will have some amazing muscles by the end of this gardening season!

  3. Sounds like you are super busy. I don't know how you find the time to work so much in your garden. I can't wait to see the post up-dating us on your garden. (Do you ship produce?)

  4. P.S. Lady, you ain't seen old yet!

    Uhh...I guess some people could say the same thing to me.

  5. @Lucy I don't recommend it unless you are married, because while I'm *not* a single parent, the times when Daniel is gone ALLLLLL day long, and for several days in a row... it gets very, very hard to be the only parent.

  6. I am glad you got a refund, we had 45 kids last year and we still don't get a refund!!! )We sold them all before the year was out when we saw they weren't gonna get us a HUGE refund!!!!
    I also take Extra strength of whatever is handy almost every night. I get so stiff and sore I can't get comfortable and go to sleep.


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