Saturday, April 9, 2011

Some Days...

As long as it isn't poisonous...

... or dangerous...
... whatever keeps her busy and happy is fine with me!!

(Somebody was doing some cleaning and donated their "leftovers" to me since they no longer need them. They haven't gotten further than the kitchen floor.)

This weekend I'm decorating a baby shower cake, and Daniel has been gone all day and will not be home for a while yet. Thus the "if she's happy, I'm happy I can work on the cake" status of things around here!

*Under normal circumstances I wouldn't let her play with such things :)

PS - I'm disappointed in the uploaded quality of these pictures. I'm not sure what the deal is, but I don't have time to play with it now.


  1. Hey, she's not in her pajamas! That's a huge step, as far as I'm concerned, when you're decorating a cake (and even when you're not). I love her cute outfit.

    When this attitude becomes the norm, well, then you know you have a lot of kids.

  2. So cute!!! I hope you'll share pictures of the cake. I'm doing a baby shower cake and cupcakes in May/June for a baby girl theme. It'll be my first time, so I'm a little nervous.

  3. I'm with ya, lady! Sometimes it's worth it just to keep them entertained. :D


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