Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Better Than Hate Mail!

You know how sometimes you just put something somewhere and tell yourself you'll move it later? I found one of those things today. It's been right under my nose for over a month now... and I've just gotten used to it and haven't paid any attention to it.

We had company over on Saturday. Today I was walking through the dining room and right at eye level I saw this:

The Valentine's Day card I gave Daniel and that he put on our china hutch. LOL! At least if any of the company saw it they know that Daniel is all mine. And that I don't send him hate mail ;)


  1. Oh my! This is funny. Well, if you see jokes about you all posted in the church bulletin on Sunday, you'll know for sure they saw the card!

  2. Oh my gosh, that is too funny! I'm sure Daniel is totally okay with it. ;-)

  3. Too funny! You will learn as Susannah gets older to put it away so that she doesn't tell her friends about it who then tell their parents. I don't think I am speaking from personal experience, but maybe I should ask Natalie's friends' parents. :)


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