Friday, February 18, 2011

SQUEEE!!! Seeds!!!

Guess what the mail-man just dropped off?? Guess-oh-guess-oh-guess!

My garden seeds!! I still don't have my pea seeds yet, which I would reallyreallyreally like to come ASAP, but I am very thrilled to have these so fast! I ordered them... Tuesday I think?

Here's the list of the loot:
*3 kinds of spinach: Giant Winter, Bloomsdale and Long-Standing Summer Perfection

*2 kinds of lettuce: a heat tolerant head lettuce and a Romaine

*Yellow and Zucchini Squash

* Cucumbers

*Black Beauty Eggplant



*Yellow Sweet Peppers

*Amish Paste Tomatoes

I think this afternoon will find me working at getting some of these started. Oh joy!!


  1. Looks so exciting!!! We spent about an hour Wednesday afternoon prepping the beds for another year. I think we're going to do filet green beans, cucumbers, peppers (jalapeno & bells), carrots, butternut squash and maybe watermelon if I can get them into the ground soon enough. Can't wait!

  2. Ooh, nice! I need to put in an order. I'm going to plant some cold crops tomorrow. Have fun dreaming of your garden to be.

  3. Oh good! I'm glad you have them and are able to get them in the ground. Our dirt is sooooo dry up here. I think it is supposed to rain tomorrow and Monday. I really hope so. I wonder if I should have tried to get some seeds in before this rain? But, if they sprouted and then froze, it would be a waste. Well, I napped this evening, and then it was time to get supper on, and then I worked on my pies for the 27th---and with all the interruptions, just now finished them. So, no garden got planted today.


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