Thursday, February 3, 2011

28 Days of Love - Day 3

Welcome to Day 3 of my 28 Days of Love series!

Today's LOVE:

Note from Daniel

This is a rumpled, worn, scrap piece of paper that used to be in my wallet, but now resides on the windowsill at my kitchen sink. "Way back when" I worked at the bank, he came through the drive-thru one evening (I was working the DT at that time) and sent the tube in with a Mr. Goodbar and this note :) The candy bar is long gone, but this note I will keep forever! Paper and ink "affection" from Daniel is a rare thing, so seeing this every day makes me feel especially loved! (and yes, it is being propped up with an empty matchbox bottom to keep it from sliding to a watery grave...)

Please feel welcome to join me in posting 28 Days of Love!
I just ask that you link back to my post for the day
and leave a comment with a link to your post!

Here's a shameless plug to anyone that might want to design a cute button for this meme.
Contact me through my contact button!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! <3 Here's mine!


I enjoy hearing from my readers!