Saturday, January 29, 2011

Nourishing Foods - What We Eat

As part of our Journey to Nourishing Foods, I wanted to share with you what we're eating. When I read others' blogs that have a specific eating lifestyle I'm always curious what their meals look like :) I kept a food journal so you could see the real deal. I didn't want to post a menu plan and then either feel pressured to stick to it, or feel guilty saying we were eating one thing when we were eating another.

Remember that this is a journey. It's not something I/we have perfected overnight. I'm still learning and making changes as I cook and bake. But we still eat normal food. At least I think we do! You can see for yourself and let me know ;)

Jan. 20:
Supper - Hamburger Pot Pie with White Whole Wheat Crust, Salad (Romaine, Spinach, Carrots, Mushrooms, Eggs, Tomatoes)
Jan. 21:
Breakfast - Green Pepper & Mushroom Omelets with Toast
Lunch - Roast Beef Sandwich & Banana Nut Muffins (Daniel); Leftover Hamburger Pot Pie, Peaches & Cottage Cheese (Miriam)
Supper - Marinated, Grilled Pork Chops, Leftover Baked Macaroni, Leftover Broccoli & Green Beans (not mixed together!)

Jan. 22 (Saturday, which usually means fend for yourself):
Breakfast - Egg Sandwich (Daniel); Banana Pancakes (Miriam)
Lunch - Banana Pancakes, Leftover Hamburger Pot Pie (Daniel); Egg Sandwich, Orange, Chips (Miriam)
Supper - Fried Rice
I'd made cookies so we enjoyed some of those throughout the day, too

Jan. 23:
Breakfast - Egg Sandwiches
Lunch - Hotdogs (Daniel); Leftover Chicken Rice Soup (Miriam) We were going to share the hot-dogs and soup but he was more in the mood for hotdogs and I was more in the mood for soup!
Supper - White Whole Wheat Waffles, Scrambled Eggs, Turkey Sausage

Jan 24:
Breakfast - Egg Sandwich (Daniel); food at MOPS (Miriam)
Lunch - Roast Beef Sandwich, Banana Nut Muffins (Daniel); Leftover Hamburger Pot Pie, Peaches & Cottage Cheese (Miriam)
Supper - Pork BBQ from freezer, Peas (very late supper)

Jan. 25:
Breakfast - Egg Sandwich (Daniel); Leftover Waffles (Miriam)
Lunch - Roast Beef Sandwich, Pretzels, Cookies (Daniel); Lunch with Grandma at her Home (Miriam)
Supper - Wendys (Daniel - working late); "Beans" (Great Nothern Beans cooked with Hog Jowl) from MIL (Miriam)

Jan. 26:
Breakfast - Leftover Waffles and Sausage
Lunch - KFC (Daniel - I was sure I was out of bread, lo and behold I found more that evening. *sigh*), Leftover Rice, Hotdog and Orange (Miriam - I was cleaning up leftovers! It was a weird meal.)
Supper - Beef, Cheese & Tomato Quesadillas on Homemade White Wheat Tortillas, Corn

Jan. 27:
Breakfast - Egg Sandwich (Daniel); Leftover Banana Pancakes, Peaches & Cottage Cheese (Miriam)
Lunch - Roast Beef Sandwich, Pretzels (Daniel); Leftover Quesadillas (Miriam)
Supper - Arbys (Daniel - working late), Meatloaf, Corn, Potatoes (Miriam

Aaaand, that's what we ate. And of course the week I decide to do this is the week Daniel's on call, working from dark to way-past-dark and eating alot of fast food, which is not typical! Well, it can be typical for his late days or on call weeks when he doesn't get home until really late (and I mean after 9 or 10pm). He has been working very.long.days this week and we are both ready for life to return to something more normal again. I guess the upside is that he does get paid overtime so that helps offset meals he ends up buying.

I'd love to hear any thoughts or questions you have (but please keep it nice and polite)!

P.S. Banana Pancakes are not nearly as good leftover... and I don't like them first-over as well as I thought I might. They're not BAD, just not something I'll make often.


  1. Did you try sprinkling the banana pancakes with powdered sugar? That's how I like them.

    Sounds like you are eating normal, home-cooked meals to me! I mean, even more normal than us. There's no PB & J sandwiches in there, no cold cereal, and no bagels.

  2. Hey a good breakfasty thing that is filling but cheap is a Guatamalan doozy.... A gilled applesauce sandwich! They are sooooo good. Grill bread with a bit of butter on with applesauce spread in the middle. After it is grilled sprinkle with powdered sugar. MMMMMmmmmm soooo soooo goooood!!! Julia


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