Friday, January 14, 2011

Goals for 2011

Jan. 24th, edited to add: I have blocked further comments on this post because for some reason TONS of spam comments on this post alone are somehow getting through my filter and I'm tired of sorting them out. I hope you understand!

Before February gets here, I want to have my goals for 2011 figured out and fine-tuned. This is a rough draft of what I have so far. I have to say that Courtney's post made me think about each of these as I put them on the list.

As I looked back over last year's list I realized that some of the goals were too precise (is that the word I'm looking for??), and some I should've known from the beginning I wasn't going to stick to them. But I made that list pre-Susannah and had high aspirations for my life I guess! You may notice that with my 2011 goals, instead of "daily" I put "regularly" for some things. There WILL be days that I simply will not get around to or have time to do everything I want to do. Even by writing some goals as "weekly" I'm raising the bar on myself, and probably some weeks I won't get those things done, either.

Personal Goals:
7-8 hours of sleep at night regularly
Quiet time (devotions) regularly
Pay more attention to my everyday appearance (dress, hair, etc.)
Exercise regularly/lose weight
Monthly, scheduled-in-advance, date-night's with Daniel
Do more things to show my love to Daniel
More leisure and informational reading
Say "no" when I need to (don't over-commit)
Be honest when people ask my thoughts/opinion

In The Kitchen Goals:
Make my own vanilla
Make yogurt
Buy a grain mill
Grind most-all of our flour
Buy 1/4 - 1/2 of a cow

Miscellaneous Goals:
30 minutes each week (as much as possible) to work on photo-related stuff
Fill out Susannah's Baby Book
Completely, totally, 100% finish the kitchen
Throw away unwanted, unneeded and unused stuff.

Financial Goals:
Update budget and checkbook weekly
Weekly (monthly?) business meeting
Re-visit the cash-only idea for some categories
Better planning ahead (saving) for big or small things
Start Baby Step #4 and possibly #5
Start Baby #2 Fund (no, I am not pregnant)
Start a cow fund
Find ways to cut expenses (to free up more money for all those other funds!)


  1. Great goals my friend. :o) Keep us posted as to how the work out!!

  2. Great goals! I have been refining mine, too.

  3. Valuable information and excellent design you got here! I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts and time into the stuff you post!! Thumbs up!

  4. Pretty insightful post. Never thought that it was this simple after all. I had spent a good deal of my time looking for someone to explain this subject clearly and you’re the only one that ever did that. Kudos to you! Keep it up

  5. I want to make my own vanilla too!! :-) And I want to do 1/4 cow--but we have to get a freezer first. . .
