Saturday, January 22, 2011

English Assignment Comment?

I don't think I have EVER had so many spam comments on one post (that made it through the spam filter) as I have been getting on my Goals for 2011 post!! That title must be a hot one in the spammers search engines because I have been getting at least 1 spam comment each day, from "Anonymous". Thankfully not asking "wanna buy some drugs?" like another post kept getting repeatedly! The comment I got this morning though, takes the cake as far as wordiness, fine use of adjectives, and overall being well written, I thought. If I didn't know better, I'd say someone had written it as an English assignment!

It read as follows:

"Considerably, the blog post is actually the greatest on this worthy topic. I concur with your decisions and will thirstily look forward to your approaching updates. Saying thanks will not be adequate, for the phenomenal lucidity in your writing. I will at once grab your feeds to stay informed of any updates. Delightful work and much success in your business endeavors! Have a nice day."

Too bad it's just a spam comment, otherwise I might give it an A+!


  1. What? One spam comment a day for your blog? You are blessed. I usually get about 75 per day that I have to delete. And if I let it go a few days, I have some serious work to do to get caught up on getting the junk out. I wish I had some sort of spam filter on mine. Andrew says he supposes it is possible, but he hasn't gotten around to installing one yet. I hate to ask him because I know it would take time away from his work and wouldn't earn a dime. My blog is somewhat of an anomaly. I don't know how it works, but Andrew set it up with the website, domain, or something that he set up (and pays for annually). Therefore, I can't do much more than post on it. I can't change the header, or the background, or even post videos, or put up a personal profile in a sidebar, or anything like that. If I want one of those things bad enough, he can make it work out after tinkering on it for a couple hours. But, it serves my purposes without all the extra little niceties, so I just enjoy it as it is. However, I do want him to spend an evening updating my header photos one of these days. (And maybe get a spam filter put on it too while he's at it.)

    Sorry about your spam (but really, I don't think it's out of hand yet).

  2. That is quite an impressive spam post! It sounds like it was put through one of the online translator pages that makes things sound wordy awkward.

    Even though it is spam, I'd almost leave it because it's so flattering. I wish someone would post something that nice about my blog! :)

    PS, It's actually kind of fun to put something into the translators and see how messed up it will get. It's especially fun with poetry!


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