Monday, December 6, 2010

Nourishing Foods - The Beginning of The Journey

One of the things on my list of Goals for 2010 was to "Find or create the happy medium for eating healthier without going over budget." Yes, for a while I made sure we had salad ingredients on hand, and actually did pretty good about fixing a salad to go with or eat before the main part of the meal sometimes. And then our world was changed forever :) For several months, as long as there was some kind of something to eat when we were hungry, I didn't really pay much attention to - or care! - what it was.

Then came the time to start Susannah on solid food. Baby cereal. Then pureed fruits. Then pureed vegetables. (The fruits and vegetables I cooked and pureed myself with stuff that I had either canned or frozen.) And then she needed more than that - she needed protein. I thought yogurt would be a good protein to start with, plus it's healthy for you. And she was old enough to eat yogurt. I wasn't sure what I wanted for Susannah in yogurt, but I wanted it to be good for her; nutritious. In the yogurt section of my favorite grocery store, for as far as I could see everything was "Fat Free," "Reduced Fat," "1/2 the Calories," ... and I KNEW one thing for sure - Susannah did not need diet food. She needed full fat, full calorie yogurt. I looked through all the labels and found the one that had the most calories and fat in it even though it still touted some healthy/diet-type line on the front.

We came home and the next day I fed her some. She liked it. The next day I fed her the rest of the little container. Day #3 I went to open container #2 and on a whim glanced through the ingredients. This is what I saw:

Susannah did not get any yogurt that day. I wasn't sure what purpose those ingredients served, but I did know that it was not JUST yogurt with a little sweetener or vanilla flavoring. Aside from the fact that it was made with not-full-fat milk, THE SECOND INGREDIENT was SUGAR!!! Aside from pureed fruit, she gets very little in the line of sugary foods. She gets a bite of cake, cookie, or even sharing an ice cream cone on occasion, but my thinking is that her little body doesn't need loaded full of sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup, whatever that is.

And it was then that my mama-bear instincts turned on full force and I started thinking "what am I putting in her mouth - and ours, too?"

I emailed a good friend of mine who I had noticed fed her little boy very good, nutritious foods, and asked her for some recommendations in the nutrition/healthy-food department.

Stay tuned for more, as I get to it :)


  1. Isn't it infuriating how much junk is in the most basic food? It drives me up the wall! I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your series. :-)

  2. It's crazy what is unexpectedly in our food sometimes! I am sure you were pointed in this direction & will write in your next installment - but checkout the YoBaby Yogurts in the organic section.


  3. Ooohh....I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the "rest of the story!"

  4. Isn't it funny how when you are feeding a little mouth, you are more aware of what is going into yours?

    I am experiencing some of the same things you are currently with eating healthier. It is such a challenge, but can be so very rewarding also! I look forward to reading about your experiences with nutritious foods!

  5. I believe a yogurt machine is going to be added to your Christmas list soon? I recommend making your own and then you can control the amount of sugar added, the fruit, etc. Or, if that's not an option due to time, etc. maybe buying plain yogurt and adding sugar and vanilla and fruit. That way, you can doctor it up per your conscience and your tastes.

  6. If vegetable subs from Subway are considered healthy, then I am all for nutritious eating. If they're not, hmmm, I will have to think on that! No, I do not get mayo on mine; just mustard. Is mustard bad for you? It better not be. I am interested in how this all works for you guys. I like to benefit from other people's research!

  7. I am all for making your own yogurt. I make about a gal. a week. It tastes so much better. I only put 1/3 cup sugar to a 1/2 gal yogurt, add in whatever fruit I want and vwaaalaaah YUMMYYYYY!!!!

  8. You can make yogurt in your crockpot! I've made this recipe many, many times, and LOVE it:
    Is that picture of Yoplait? I like to call that stuff "Dessert in a Cup", lol.

  9. You'll love eating homemade yogurt. I make our own in the crockpot and then sweeten it with honey or homemade jelly for the kids. They love it!

  10. I know how you feel! I don't have any little ones, but I've started taking a hard look at food and it's sooo surprising what some of the ingredients are.

    I haven't read it yet, but I've heard really good things about the cookbook Nourishing Traditions on how to cook healthful, full fat (good fats, mind you) meals.

    Making your own yogurt really can be a great thing. I started doing it a few months ago and we love it. I know exactly what's in it, and I add a cup or less of sugar per gallon of yogurt. It lasts a long time in the fridge, too, so long as the jar is unopened.

    Sorry, this is too long already, good luck with your journey!!

  11. Oh, also: I'm sure you've already solved the yogurt conundrum, but if you haven't, I make my own using Kristen's tutorial here:

    And when I'm too busy to make my own, I buy Dannon's all natural, which doesn't have any corn syrup or anything nasty in it.

  12. Yayyy for changes! I don't know how I stumbled upon the Real Food idea, but it has revolutionized our home, our kitchen, and our health! Just remember to take baby steps and try not to get overwhelmed! :)


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