Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bullet Points

Just quickly, I want to share a few things this morning. Nothing deep or profound, I just feel like posting some of the random stuff flying around my head :)

  • We had a great visit with my sister, Rachel, and her husband, Ted, on Saturday. Times like that I wish we lived closer to my sisters!!!
  • Susannah turned 8 months old last Thursday!! (I need to do a post about that.)
  • Chocolate Chips are on sale this week. I am thinking about ignoring what is probably an un-healthy ingredients list and getting extra coupons (they don't expire until Marh 2011).
  • Daniel's uncle tuned our piano and worked on the action in the middle C section. It is much, MUCH better (even the other tuner wasn't able to or didn't fix that!) and now it reminds me so much of my parent's big upright. I loooove it!
  • I need to start vacuuming the floor more often. Or I could just let Susannah keep doing it with her clothes ;)
  • I bought our first Christmas gift last week. And only have about 1,763 to go... I need to get busy!
  • I *heart* Swagbucks!! I have been stockpiling $5 Amazon.com gift cards (I'll have $45 worth after my next "order" comes in) and have been tossing around ideas for what I want/need/should spend them on. Christmas gifts? Shoes (I need new Reeboks terribly bad)? Splurge?
  • I think I've decided what I want to use my Swagbucks Amazon GC's for... or at least towards. One of these. I have my eye on the NutriMill, which costs a pretty penny... which is why it's easy to think I'll contribute my Amazon $$ towards it to lessen the OOP :) I'll probably wait a bit to collect a few more GC's. Maybe after the New Year... or maybe Cyber-Monday??
  • I need to go feed Susannah her breakfast - time has flown! Goodness gracious!

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